I didn’t say it’s bad but they’re way to fixated about it which makes it annoying. I mean yeah ofc, a story needs some feedback (which is normal). However, some of these readers are way to fixated to the point they’re forgetting that it’s a “FICTION” which in fact is IMAGINARY and then proceeding on comparing it on real life smh.
ps. im not mad lol
right! like why would they be comparing a FICTIONAL STORY to real life, there’s a reason why it’s a story. people are so insane to compare this to real life and then say, “this is horrible if he were real we would be a r@pist! he doesn’t deserve happiness” but then go simp for anime villains. like if ur favorite anime villain was real he WOULD be a murder, and IN PRISON. like it’s fiction so of course there’s no reason to even be upset because we know not to do those things in real life!!
can’t y’all just stfu like it’s fiction chill, it’s a story. if you read this shit and compare it to real life then youre the problem. don’t mix up fiction with reality.