This new Ruve is a different person but he is what I like to call an underlying prick. No offense but their relationship is toxic and Im only reading this to see how mc destroys Zena. Oh and knowone has written in the comments for her to chop his head off (this new timeline Ruve anyway), how about we just get some closure for Tia rather than just a 300 chapters of sob story for the prince. As i said I like the main plot about defeating Zena and art is on point, but I get shivers when Ruve kisses or goes near Tia when she is clearly uncomfatable.

All people are underlying pricks, depending on the circunstances. Also yeah if the circunstances repeated he would still dislike her, but it was the poison that made him act with so much hatred. Why would I be offended? I am not the author who people are calling misogynistic. Yeah probably their relationship is not the most healthy because she remembers everything so that is why she rejects him. Wether the relationship becomes healthy depends on her overcoming her trauma. Either way not all relationships should be completly healthy not in fiction.
300 chapters of sob story for the prince? Where??? we almost didn’t see him the first like 70 chapters and in the ones where we had his point of view were really scarce, and the main character is still Tia.
And how about people stop complaining just because they are not getting exactly what they want, the main plot about Zena is depply related with the way the prince acted in the first timeline because he was being poisoned. Everthing is related.
Also again he is still willingly drinking the poison so that explains in part why he can’t entirely control himself but well you can feel uncomfortable if you want just take everything into account and remember this is fiction, also in the last chapter she seems to actually enjoy the kiss.
Being a little pushy is normal in fiction usually because we already know the characters actually have feeling for each other, doesn’t mean in reality is ok, it just gives you some extra emotion. Don’ Take it too seriously.
Also yeah art is excellent love the dresses so much. ヾ(☆▽☆)

yes this is fiction, but there should be a warning about what this is about. Ive seen quite a few stories about abusive relationships and trauma and this one handles her trauma horribly. The author painted the prince with rainbows making him look like a prince out of a fairy tale (even in their first meeting). She would see him as nothing but a monster at this time, not being able to talk to him and having a melt down when he was talking to her. Tia lost most of her trauma in a few meetings of him, which is disgusting as the only things hes done is said nice words. I want a relationship bewtween them not to be artificial, as her having the ability to talk to him and just having a bit of hesitation is so forceful. I mean she had to meet the prince so many times when she was younger cause she was engaged to him, why couldnt there be a time that something substancial happens and they go through it together, giving their relationship something that is not forceful. Trauma is not going to go away, your unconscious will remember and shiver at the thought of him touching Tia.
The sob story started when Tia realized this wasnt the same guy as her tormentor, and started to feel sorry for him. She consistently looked at him like he had such a tough life cause his dad didnt pay attention to him and he didnt have a mum. which was so stupid as she went through hell to just go back in time and just feel bad about this guy. This aint Tias story, its his at this point. After all tell me about his personality other than the guy we should feel sorry for.
What do you mean all people are underlying pricks. Carsein aint, his actions are for Tia making sure not to hurt her reputation. On the other hand, you have Ruve who initally thought that her being scared of him was "interesting". She was what like 5. He kept on going near her when he could see she was so scared she was shaking. He just makes me shiver when he ignores the fact that she is avoiding him and does what he wants. Not only that he has many red flags for a bad love interest and causes misunderstandings that can make the future for Tia like hell. This relationship is toxic, in my mind the only reason Tia likes him again is that she has Battered Woman Syndrome.

Sob story? Fr? You're completely not taking into account that the Ruve in the past life was being poisoned. I'm not saying him abusing Tia was right, only that it resulted to abuse because of, again, him being poisoned. Now, Tia got reincarnated and is slowly overcoming her trauma from before. And what? It's toxic? I mean, this is another timeline where Ruve is inoccent so I really don't get why you're so pressed on saying that he's a prick?? I get being uncomfortable with Ruve in the first part since he traumatized and abused Tia, but in this timeline, he's just a prince who genuinely likes Tia. Also, as one of the people said already here in the replies, it's only toxic because Tia keeps incorporating the things that happened in the past to the present timeline. Lmao, neway, pop off then. Just an opinion :pp

Its toxic because this prince thought that when she was younger her being afraid was "interesting", so he kept going near her. I can name many more instances that make this prince bad for Tia, especially her trauma.
Also did you forget what happened to Tia, like yes I know he got drugged but you are all like Ruve had it way worse cause he was drugged. Tia had her whole life ripped out under her, no amount of excuses will make me forgive the things someone did. Imagine how much it takes for Tia to want to stab someone she loves, and than you just have someone who got a drug that heightens his emotions. Im not saying this ruve aint a victim but Tias story got thrown out the window.

Yeah he taught it was interesting because he didn’t give her any reason for being afraid until then, they were children, he barely even saw her, he wanted to know why and once he read the letter he himself said that he would never do something like that, he was discusted by that behavior.
We never said that Ruve had it worse because he was poisoned. We never said that what happened to her didn’t matter at all. You don’t need to forgive him, but remember they are not the same person at all. Sorry but the fact that he was under a substance that changed his brains chemistry really matters even in court this is important, it doesn’t make everything right, he did resent her and maybe even hated her, but he never purposely did any harm to her before the poisoning started. this drug as it accumulated even drove him crazy, how is this not a strong enough drug.
Right now he is a trigger for her trauma, but even Tia recognizes he is not the same person, so in order for them to be able to have a healthier relationship she needs to get over her trauma and probably tell him everything. Again no relationship is 100% healthy, and this is tagged as mature so someone mature should be able to differentiate a fictional story from a real one. You can’t judge them on the same grounds, no person can go back in time to be able to change the past of their abuser so it being healthy or not can’t really apply 100%.
How is her story being thrown out the window? Her story is still developing and is the center of everything.

Sorry didn’t read this message before the others..
From the bottom
_she didn’t lost all her traumas in a few meetings, she is showing the extend of it in this chapter. She is still dealing with it, and it has been years, her trauma not only consist in Ruve, but in how alone she was, in how weak she felt, in the lost of her father, in how she percieved herself and in the abortion she had, all this is being portrayed in the chapters.
But I agrre in one thing her relationship with Ruve could have more development , but that doesn’t make it imposible for them to develop feeling for eachother, and they are currently working together and sharing more time and experiences so this is also changing.
-the sob story. Why was stupid the fact that Tia started to know him and to feel simpathy for him? that is the very human nature. Also she always thought she loved him but she never really knew him or really understood him, so this represents a change in her too. The author is showing us the way he grew up and if you think growing up with that much pressure without the support or love of any of your parents or anyone in general, (the only one that showed him any kind of maternal care was Tia’s mom and she died really soon) doesn’t affect a kid, well you are wrong.
She went back in time and did so much more things, at first we don’t even see the prince that much, but you are only fixating in that, you are undermining all what she went through if you say she only went back in time to feel sorry for him. So she shouldn’t have tried to understand him? A kid in that moment? She should just be blinded by hatred and revenge? It is her story, and is a story about how a mischievous plot destroyed Tia, Ruve and even Jieun’s life. If the author shows us his life is just so we could know him better, and to further give sense to his character, not to only feel sorry for him as the author did for allendis too, but you are judging him that way just because you don’t like him.
-About “ underlying pricks” i was referring to the capacity of all people (even real ones. And yes carsein too) to become bad given the correct circumstances they vary for everyone.
About what happened when they first met, she was 10 and he was 14 so both kids, at first he kept approaching because he didn’t even recognize who she was and he didn’t even know she was scared because of him, so when he noticed that she was in fact scared he wanted to know why. This is a kid getting near another kid, this is not the old Ruve approaching her, and even after that yes he was pushy because he didn’t understand the situation and when he saw how serious it was (when she lost it completely)he repented and kept a Distance. Now that Tia recognized they are 2 different persons (old ruve and this new one) as she is not showing this fear is obviously not the same situation.
What has he done so wrong in this timeline to call it red flag? I get that you don’t like the current Ruve (i think that was what You referred to as underlying pricks) He is being a little pushy yes but remember Tia is giving him mixed signals, she is obviously not being completely honest with him he wants to know why. Also he is now taking the poison voluntarily to catch the culprit so he is a little impulsive and following too much his emotion that are now of desire.
Battered woman syndrome? you are judging this as it was reality, the author isn’t a psychologist probably so she can commit certain mistakes in the way she is managing her story and her trauma. You can’t judge fiction with reality lenses. This shows serious topics but that doesn’t mean the author is obligated to be an expert on them and to portray them just in a profesional and perfect way. If you read something mature you have to be mature enough to recognize this is just a story and it doesn’t have to be the perfect image of phycological health. And if you can’t just stop reading it if it affects you that much.

Thank you for making your time to write that. I understand your points.
This story gets me annoyed because as you said the development needs work. I have read a lot of psychological stories and why i get so triggered is Tia, right now, has no trauma, yes she has memories of her past life and thinks back on it. But what she went through is crazy and facing the reality of what happened back than and getting closure is non-existant. I mean why does she think back to her last life like it was a dream, we got a few flashbacks and non gave her any form of anxiety or panic. trauma does not just lessen with time, and i know the authors no psychologist but this story is so dark, they should have known what they got themselves into.
One red flag that stuck out to me the most was when Tia got poisoned and was stuck in bed. Carsein came to see her when she got better which was the sweetest thing ive ever seen. Ruve on the otherhand snuck into her room while she was sleeping and held her hand saying "why do you hate me so much". This girl was poisoned and all he could care about was how their relationship was progressing. Thats not even the worst part, he didnt show himself that he came to see Tia when so many other people took the time to show her they came to see her in her most dire time. So how come when she gets back to work they just meet randomly in the hallway and he says "oh, im glad your fine". This than proceeds to make her heart to go ba-thump. I mean in her perspective she thinks he never came to see her when she was poisoned, and instead just said something to her like he was an acquaintance. How can i not relate Tias obsession with this coward to Battered woman syndrome, if he aint an outright digusting person to her, she starts to fall for him. This relationship had some major pushes from the author and thats all im going to say.
Thanks for having a conversation with me, a lot of people who read this story get to aggressive sometimes.

About her trauma I really don't think she is just cured, but with time and with what she has done it has subsided at least the attacks, not necessarily every time she remembers it needs to manifest with an anxiety attack. Also, every victim will not always get affected in the same way or with the same intensity, even in this kind of horrible traumas, not everyone is the same. I do think they need more development in their romantic relationship but this has to be done little by little with some specific points marking a new dynamic, it has been done like that until now and I do think it will get more development the story is not over. And I do think it has been done fairly good not perfect, but no story is and it is not nearly as toxic as people's comments make it seem.
Again, this is her story I don't think the author deserves the hate she is getting of course it is open to criticism but it has been too extreme, and apparently is just because people hate Ruve and are being unfair with him and are too strict in judging him.
“Ruve on the otherhand snuck into her room while she was sleeping and held her hand saying "why do you hate me so much".
R:You make it sound like he entered her room like a pervert in the hiding, when she was unconscious she got visitors, this behavior is normal when someone you care about is sick you visit them, and you are leaving out the context yes he said that he didn't understand why she hated him, but to stablish that he would have liked it if they could have been closer, that he cared about her and was scared of losing her, is like when you repent for not spending more time with someone you love when they are about to die. It doesn't mean he is angry because he couldn't be with her or something like that.
“So how come when she gets back to work they just meet randomly in the hallway and he says "oh, im glad your fine". This than proceeds to make her heart to go ba-thump.”
R:what? read it again, it didn't happen like that: he said it has been a while, and I don't see it as something bad, but then he clearly says "I WAS AFRAID THAT I WOULD LOSE YOU FOREVER" and none of this made her heart go ba-thump. so really this doesn't add up. Also she didn’t get back to work she was visiting the emperor who was ill.
"How can i not relate Tia’s obsession with this coward to Battered woman syndrome, if he aint an outright digusting person to her, she starts to fall for him":
R: if this is related with the previous thing, I already said it didn't happen that way is chapter 123 read it again. But in general, he is not just being less of an asshole he is opening up to her, and being supportive, caring, he is defending her and showing real interest. And in battered woman syndrome again it is a completely different thing, it is about women not being able to separate from their abusers because of emotional dependency. Tia is not like that at all, she didn't even try to be with him when she came back, in the previous timeline she tried to escape and in the current one she built her life away from him, with her father and friends, she is not emotionally dependent of him at all. It is something entirely different.
I understand where you are coming from with your points, I don´t agree with them but that is ok. Also I love Carsein too and his entire family he is just so sweet, and how his father fell in love with carsein's mother is so funny such a masochyst the Duke.
People are so angry this is not about vengeance and Tia is not cutting the prince’s head off. The timeline is not the same. So why punish someone who haven’t comitted any crime. If you din’t like the story just stop reading it. Not everyone is going to think of this work the same way you do. Your opinion is not the only possible one. It is a good work. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ But remember it is tagged as romance.