Oh my... tHank you... plz next chapter too..
thank you so much for the translation.. hope you can translated more.. sorry and thank you
I looooove you, like really. I'm reading both of your translations now.
Btw I don't dislike Kunimasa, I think he feels isn't worth loving =(
Thank you
Yes yes! Will you be translating more?
u really r god...mayb i should learn japanese language.......thanks buddy
If you guys want some chapter 44 spoilers (aka the last 10 pages of ch.44) I translated some over here: http://carlspam.tumblr.com/post/136303234054/sex-pistols-44-spoilers
I mainly translated it because I prefer reading everything in English rather than slowly going through every chinese character to understand what's happening and thought some other people might be like that too :P
Note: It went Japanese -> Chinese -> English so the translations are mildly shitty