just two things to clear up (ok 3). the names are Taehwan and Yeonwoo.
second thing, what taehee says about taehwan back in s1 is that he changed drastically after coming to america and we see a little image of child taehwan. so the Change happened well before his HS years and we see that in the most recent raw chpt. third thing, the ginger boy who appears in chpt 19/20 is not at all the same boy who betrayed taehwan. the hair color is diff (traitor child's hair is more red than orange) this guy is named Mike and he is Esther's brother. Esther is the girl in this chpt who is trying to comfort Yeonwoo in the bar. if Mike causes trouble later it wont be because of any connection to Taehwan's past. (some korean commenters think he might arouse jealousy in taehwan at some point since yeonwoo being friends with esther might become close with mike too eventually. but that is just pure theory ofc). also idt Mike actually saw who was in the car in that chpt but without knowing korean i guess i cant say for sure.

Thanks for correcting the names, I'm very bad at memorizing names. Regarding traumatic incidents, yes, first seems like happened when he moved to US after elementary school. And regarding second incident, Yeonwoo has mentioned that something happened between them at high school and so Tarhwan changed. This might be not some trauma but something that caused more changes in Taehwan's attitude since Yeonwoo mentioned abt it to Dojin at 58-59(?) Chpts. Oh and I didn't know that ginger hair guy was Esther's brother. But the thing which caught my attention was that the author showed that kids face clean and memorable compared to other kids , so
First of all apologies for not being able to memorize the names properly and not putting them here. And beware of some spoilers!!
According to the raws, teahwa had some traumatic experience when he was a child. Trauma seemed to cause because of his trusted friend who seemed innocent and later betrayed him. So from my pov he developed a mask in order to protect himself being heartbroken by close people. So trust issues with people is probably because of that. And it was mentioned that he changed in high school drastically, so prolly again some trust related issues happened. But I think that teahwa somehow developed feelings to that guy(sorry forgot his name) and somehow it scared him and something happened between them which made teahwa disgusted by himself first of all, yes I mean he might started hate himself and after to cover up that truth he might show disgusted emotions towards that guy.
And so they met again, having questionable relationships (fuckbuddies) and that guy prolly thinking that he is receiving this relationship mutually as a receiver and thankful to Taehwa for not pushing him anymore. And Taehwa prolly thinking that he is doing some kindness to that guy, but in a reality he himself might be enjoying this relationship but may realise it only later when something dramatic happens between them.
Oh yes and, I've seen some guy accidentally caught them having $€% from far and he somehow looked like Taehwa's friend from childhood who betrayed him. So some drama prolly will be caused by him.
My theory how they became loving couple, prolly happens after someone(Taehwas childhood friend or the fuckbuddy guy who strangled green hair guy earlier in previous chapters) threatens them for being fuckbuddies or even leakes out proves, and Tehwa might get freaked out and afraid that situation can repeat as in the past, but I hope that the situation between them will not be like between Yahwi and Jooin. Cause Taehwa seems more mature and knows what he wants, his relationship with his brother and friends is vivid prove that he is not a total assh@le. So yeah that's all for my creepy theory
And sorry for my bad English.