how to be taku stans: 1. you should found this manhwa on tiktok 2. you should only love ta...

lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨ February 9, 2021 4:36 pm

how to be taku stans:
1. you should found this manhwa on tiktok
2. you should only love taku face his characteristic is not important because he is the most handsome.
3. dislike all the comment about joowon.
4. throw hate on author sms.
5. now that taku is not the end game. pretend that you are neutral then praise him.
6. comment that taku deserve better.
7. pretend to be happy about the end game then praise taku on your comment.

    Lexi February 9, 2021 4:41 pm

    First of all, @me. Second of all, im 22 and ive been on this site since i was 10-11, i didnt "find" anything because of tiktok. And third, i have nothing to prove to you but i have always liked joowon and taku and have never liked haesoo, and if you're pressed you can check my comment history. You probably found this site bc of tiktok, and you're projecting onto me. Its cute.

    And ive never claimed to be neautral, i dont like haesoo, and i shipped joowon x taku. Again, have a good day sweetie and go back to tiktok ♡

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 4:50 pm
    First of all, @me. Second of all, im 22 and ive been on this site since i was 10-11, i didnt "find" anything because of tiktok. And third, i have nothing to prove to you but i have always liked joowon and taku ... Lexi

    Okay but youre kinda embarassing yourself here Like you know this comment isnt a personal attack to you in right??? They’ve written the exact same thing a few weeks ago when you werent here..... and there’s multiple other commenters this could apply to fully here. A moment of silence.

    lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨ February 9, 2021 4:52 pm
    Okay but youre kinda embarassing yourself here Like you know this comment isnt a personal attack to you in right??? They’ve written the exact same thing a few weeks ago when you werent here..... and there’... wonuyaaa

    assuming lol

    Lexi February 9, 2021 4:55 pm
    Okay but youre kinda embarassing yourself here Like you know this comment isnt a personal attack to you in right??? They’ve written the exact same thing a few weeks ago when you werent here..... and there’... wonuyaaa

    Oh, so you were just arguing with me about this very thing in my comment, reading my comments and replies and what—a minute later you make a sublimanl post after i dismiss you? Lol okay.

    bbitchbetterhavemymoney February 9, 2021 4:55 pm
    Okay but youre kinda embarassing yourself here Like you know this comment isnt a personal attack to you in right??? They’ve written the exact same thing a few weeks ago when you werent here..... and there’... wonuyaaa


    bbitchbetterhavemymoney February 9, 2021 4:56 pm
    Okay but youre kinda embarassing yourself here Like you know this comment isnt a personal attack to you in right??? They’ve written the exact same thing a few weeks ago when you werent here..... and there’... wonuyaaa

    this is the right way on how to burned a person you deserve an award

    ashitaka February 9, 2021 4:57 pm

    I’m a « neutral » Stan but joohae should not end up toge -Shuttttt-

    Boku no pico academia ❤ February 9, 2021 5:14 pm
    First of all, @me. Second of all, im 22 and ive been on this site since i was 10-11, i didnt "find" anything because of tiktok. And third, i have nothing to prove to you but i have always liked joowon and taku ... Lexi

    im so confused (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ the way you reply show that you are pressed