Manga translators should chill with their T/Ns sometimes and stfu. Inevitably reading thei...

Unpopular opinion but idgaf ab February 9, 2021 1:42 pm

Manga translators should chill with their T/Ns sometimes and stfu. Inevitably reading their unecessary reactions and comments sucks balls.

    99rocky February 12, 2021 11:20 pm

    LFNSHDJSJD I AGREEE!! even though i want to disregard reading them i cant help it lol they were really distracting

    Martijnchan March 10, 2021 7:38 pm

    .....You couldn't have said this differently??? Or, better yet, not at all? You're just making yourself look bad. You probably don't care about that, just like nobody cares about your opinion, but you could actually end up making the translator feel bad if they saw this. They translated this whole manga for your ungrateful ass, let them leave a fucking t/n note or two. Comments like this are why translators drop mangas and give up on translating, which ACTUALLY sucks balls. Okayyyyy, that's all.

    PastelFlowers March 12, 2021 4:14 pm

    Okay while the comment above me is a little aggressive I agree that you can hurt someone’s feelings like that after they put in the hard work to translate. I personally love reading TNs and find it easy to miss or ignore them if I wish too. In the end it’s obviously opinion but I wouldn’t complain unless you want to translate all the mangas/webtoons, etc. you want to read yourself. It’s not like it’s easy.

    YGT July 1, 2021 9:57 pm

    Yo some translators are funny as fuck, or they're thinking the exact same as you. Like coming to the comment section to see if someone said what you're thinking but right there in the manga