
Well, this had issues from jump him being scared to love, this being an arranged marriage, him maybe still not being over his ex, he perhaps having some curse on him that kills anyone he falls for as well, second leads, so that's a lot to work through in a season. lol The drama is over the top, but they have a nice chemistry, so I'm willing to see where it goes in the second season. I also like that she's a strong female lead, and I don't think she's gonna just let him have his way without chasing her this time around (hopefully).
So, it seems he fell for her (crosses fingers because it did look that way), but she kept getting hurt or in danger, and he dumped her because he wanted to protect her and went off to live in France? Honestly, she may know about it, but it looked to me as though he was sneaking out of there after leaving her in the hospital (they slept in the same bed which was really romantic). They had some very sweet moments (sleeping in bed together a few times and a few kisses in there), and he definitely got jealous of the second male lead at points.
Obviously, present day has her becoming a famous mixologist, and he reappears again with that skank who tried to pick him up with the hotel he initially turned down, so that is disappointing me (hopefully there is more to that than meets the eye). She is all over his ass grabbing on him as if they are dating, but he looks rather stoic, not showing much emotion.
FL has a competition that is hosted by that hotel skank and maybe his company as well. She wins the competition, and then FL pours a drink on his ass. lol She definitely can't hold back her emotions which who can blame her!
I translated a little bit on 47, and he says in chapter 47 that he misses her while out on the balcony. :(
Oh, I wonder if she's with the second male lead? I'm guessing no because he had drama attached to him as well, but we'll see. I think he was the guy that annoying ex-BFF fell for her, but he wanted the FL.
Anyways, this is the beginning of the second season, so maybe he'll have to chase her now? I just wonder how much time has passed because her hair is really long, and she has an established career to the point she's going all over the world for competitions.