I agree!! I felt so bad for Arata, but when he beat Natsuki I jist couldn't be on his side anymore. Also I don't think I would be able to forgive Natsuki after hearing he saying that he couldn't even remember me while cheating. I feel like if Arata didn't find out, Natsuki would keep on cheating so I'm kind of disappointed. I personally hate cheating cause I have serious trust issues, so yeha
Arata beating up Natsuki was not acceptable, it was not the right decision.. And what Natsuki did was also so wrong, not only did he do it one time, but continued to do it. When would he have stopped if he was not spotted?
I can understand Aratas reaction not be able to control his anger cause he was the person he loved the most. I know it's bad and it is not the right thing to do, but I do understand his anger and pain.
I kind of wanted to see Natsuki reflect more, and show his regrets towards Arata before going back together!! Since he deserves that at least.