Eunho shaming Jaeha and using sex as punishment is not okay

Ethingan February 8, 2021 9:25 pm

There are so many comments hating on Jaeha but describing Eunho as some kind of saint. This may be an unpopular opinion but I think what Eunho did in season 2 is absolutely horrible! And I feel so incredibly sad for Jeaha. Hear me out.

As "WhatAWorld" said a few comments back: "[Eunho] initiated sex at [Jaeha's] workplace, shames him for actually being willing to do it, when they do have sex, he refuses to use protection or lube, is told it hurts, keeps going bc why tf not, shames him for having a dildo, etc etc etc - basically the same type of toxic shit that happens in other yaoi but I guess its acceptable because he got his heart broken?"

And this is to someone who is already broken, sad, regretful and who believes he has no self-worth. Instead of helping him Eunho decides to break him even more.

Eunho's toxic behaviour is TERRIBLE! This kind of shaming and using sex as punishment is the WORST! I HATE it! I freaking hate it! I think this hit me even harder than it usually does because it felt so realistic. I think one reason why this upsets me so is because it IS a real world problem. Men have always used sex and sexuality as a way of controlling, shaming, breaking and punishing women. And it's always women, and in this case the one taking the "woman's role" that is shamed the most.

What Eunho did is not okay. Using sex as punishment is NEVER okay. It doesn't matter that you are angry and hurt! He also threatened and blackmailed Jaeha. That must have hurt so much considering his previous trauma with sex and blackmail. Honestly, I think I can handle violence. At least then it's pretty clear it's wrong. But what I really can't stand is this sort of humiliation and oppressive mental abuse, as in "you deserve this". Or saying that he needs to give a blowjob "on his knees" just to humiliate him further.

Seriously, what Jaeha did wasn't good. But it's still his right to break up if he wants to. Considering Jaeha's abusive childhood, toxic first love and all other shit that he's had to endure in his life I'm surprised he isn't more messed up. He never had a loving family. The closest he got was Eunho's family. He believed he destroys everything around him. Eunho's sister begged him to stay away. I can understand why he didn't wan't to risk destroying the only good thing he had in his life.

And while he did end up hurting Eunho that wasn't his intention. He was trying to protect Eunho in his own way (even if went about it in the wrong way). I think that is the difference between the two. Eunho tried to hurt Jaeha is much as he could, in the worst way possible, just because he was angry and resentful.

Seeing all these comments rooting for Eunho as if he's some kind of innocent, wronged angel, while hating on Jeaha as if he's the devil himself honestly hurts me. I feel so bad for Jaeha, going through all that but people still believe that the one who sexually harasses him is in the right.

    Ethingan February 14, 2021 7:25 pm

    Also, (as if I didn't already write a whole ass essay lol),
    - Jaeha isn't obligated to return anyone's feelings
    - Eunho deliberately trying to make sex painful by not using protection and lube is wrong on so many levels.
    - Jaeha is much older so he probably felt responsible and guilty. He probably wanted to protect him from the homophobic treatment he himself had to endure.
    - Jaeha was probably afraid that Eunho's family, who were closer to him than his own family, would resent him for "turning their son gay"
    - He was probably also afraid of Eunho's family abandoning Eunho for being gay, like his own family did
    - It's not okay how Eunho guilt-tripped Jaeha to have sex with him

    Ethingan February 14, 2021 7:27 pm

    I try to console myself by that he in the later chapters realised what he did wrong, but it still didn't sit well with me. I mean, even after hearing about Jaeha's tragic past and acknowledging what he did was wrong, he's like "I don't know if I can forgive you yet so give me some time". I mean, shouldn't it be the reverse? Isn't it Jaeha who should be given time to forgive Eunho for all the terrible things he did?

    Moemoekyun February 18, 2021 7:24 am

    Yeah but just one thing,if someone did what jaeha did to me Ngl I'd feel used for sex espectially with the way their relationship started and how jaeha mentioned that he never took eunho seriously before cause he believed that he wouldn't be able to have sex with him.