I think it has to do with his powers being powerful, but he couldn't control his powers so his father restricted it? It made me think that perhaps a similar situation happened before and he tried to use his powers but couldn't control it. Might also be related to his ability to sense poison, but it seems Jeremy also had a similar ability.

Yeah, but there's also a lot of emphasis on the word judge(ment) when his family is being mentioned, so I'm wondering if it's a "two edged" power given by some justice God? And also, you mentioned poison, I didn't even realise he was identifying them, I just thought he had good information, but now I'm thinking if perhaps instead of healing powers, he would have somr type of purification ability (tho I still don't understand how can it be so dangerous it need sealing)
Oooh, and I just thought of this but in the past I read story, I think it was novel, where there was a woman who was able to cure people, but to do that she had to suck the vitality of her surroundings, and the worser the disease or condition, the more people and alive things she "sucked" (it sucked even the vitality of grass), and like, in the beginning they deemed her as a saintess, but when they realised the nature of her powers, they started to fear her. Do you think his power may be something like that? It's very improbable, but I just thought of that.
Also, I'm sorry, can you tell me who's Jeremy? i'm reading so many stories right now It's kinda hard to remember their names ╥﹏╥

Maybe the judgement has to do with his family itself and what their ideology or whatever is supposed to be. When I look at the Pedelian symbol and their white hair and stuff, it makes me think of pureness or god. I’m guessing his powers do have some kind of ability to cure, but it must be too powerful for Kassis to control or something, which might put others in danger. Also, Jeremy is Roxana’s half brother with the blue eyes lol. At the beginning he seemed to also have the ability to sense poison just like Kassis, so it makes me wonder how that ability works.

Yeah, what you say makes sense. I'm really curious about the whole story even more now (≧∀≦)
Also, thanks, I remember who Jeremy is now. But I can't say I made the same connection you did about poison, tho, cause every time he appears I'm just too intently wishing to whoop his ass off the screen, he's too annoying
I'm confused. The context made it seem like he has a healing power. But why was there a need to seal it? Does he have a bunch of them? And do they do? What's the correlation between being the supreme judges, the family's pride, and the apparently healing capability?
His family also seems way more complex than hers (her's is a nest of psychopaths, but what about his?)
Anyways, I'm looking forward to this story, it seems very promising ヾ(☆▽☆)