I...... I uhhh.. uhmm

YaoiDrew February 8, 2021 5:36 pm

I'm still not on board with the whole abortion thing :(( that's like depriving the baby of it's right to life. No hate, just ://

    YaoiDrew February 8, 2021 7:42 pm
    I don't actually coz you know... I'm not a crazy MF. But unlike your pretentious morals, I keep an open mind and know how to be flexible in understanding certain situations especially when I'm presented with fa... eriunicorn

    So you're not justifying murder and you're okay with people.... not delivering the child. Okay buddy. Also, if you're that much of a snowflake for getting butthurt by my "

    YaoiDrew February 8, 2021 7:44 pm
    I don't actually coz you know... I'm not a crazy MF. But unlike your pretentious morals, I keep an open mind and know how to be flexible in understanding certain situations especially when I'm presented with fa... eriunicorn

    So you're not justifying murder and you're okay with the parents.... to not deliver the child?????? Okay buddy.

    YaoiDrew February 8, 2021 7:56 pm

    So you're not justifying murder but you're okay with the parents...... To not deliver the babies???? Okaayy

    hHmmMmm February 8, 2021 8:23 pm
    So you're justifying murder. Murder and rape are both crimes, feeding fire with fire won't change anything sweetie. YaoiDrew

    Uhm do you have any brains??? Murder on a fucking pile of cells that can't even live on its own, can you even read cause all I'm seeing is PARASITE. If the 'baby' or most commonly known as a fetus that doesn't even equate to a living breathing human wants to live, it's free to live on its own, outside of their hosts.

    Breathing human =/= a pile of cells that can't even think or feel anything

    And stop. Y'all only making urselves look very stupid. Don't even use the throw the baby on the orphanage argument do ur research if u even find that answer a bit humane

    hHmmMmm February 8, 2021 8:27 pm
    He's aborting for revenge. Close minded? Okay, murder is sooo okay, let me support that:)) let me ask you this, is this the ONLY way? Abortion? To get revenge. Yes I understand he was a victim, but is killing t... YaoiDrew

    Uhmmmm he's aborting cause he doesn't want the child. He never even planned on telling the guy that it was his child so use ur brain and solve the fucking math problem

    He was raped, he doesn't want the rape baby, as simple as that

    hHmmMmm February 8, 2021 8:38 pm
    I don't actually coz you know... I'm not a crazy MF. But unlike your pretentious morals, I keep an open mind and know how to be flexible in understanding certain situations especially when I'm presented with fa... eriunicorn

    Istg these fucking people really be moaning all these shits without ever donating on charity, adopting a child, being raped and the list goes on
    They really love to sleep thinking they are on a higher moral ground than we we are and living in a privileged life

    xxshxx February 8, 2021 9:48 pm
    These stereotypes man. It's okay, these are how people are nowadays, kinda sad that their value for life is that little. YaoiDrew

    So true. Its really sad. But i suggest you stop replying to them. Im telling you, the only really matter to them is a "rape" part no matter what you said, no matter what your reasoning is, your arguments. They will keep pressing about the "rape" part. Ghad. People with narrow minded surely don't deserve your time.

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 2:56 am
    Uhm do you have any brains??? Murder on a fucking pile of cells that can't even live on its own, can you even read cause all I'm seeing is PARASITE. If the 'baby' or most commonly known as a fetus that doesn't ... hHmmMmm

    You're making yourself look stupid honey. If these piles of cells weren't important in the first place and weren't human in the first place then abortion should have been legalized everywhere. But the fact that it isn't then that mean senators, scientist and realist say otherwise. You go spreading shit that they aren't humans is you making yourself look stupid <3

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 2:57 am
    You're making yourself look stupid honey. If these piles of cells weren't important in the first place and weren't human in the first place then abortion should have been legalized everywhere. But the fact that... YaoiDrew

    Debators* where did senators come from skskksks

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 2:59 am
    So true. Its really sad. But i suggest you stop replying to them. Im telling you, the only really matter to them is a "rape" part no matter what you said, no matter what your reasoning is, your arguments. They ... xxshxx

    I mean the rape is a big part of abortion,but yes. No matter what "a raped child" should still have the chance to live. Yeah I probably won't reply anymore, their points are getting repetitive, they don't even bother reading, and just keep yapping.

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 3:00 am
    Uhmmmm he's aborting cause he doesn't want the child. He never even planned on telling the guy that it was his child so use ur brain and solve the fucking math problemHe was raped, he doesn't want the rape baby... hHmmMmm

    Oh my god. Are you actually reading the same story as em? Atleast when you try to make a point make sure you're reading it correctly wtf

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 3:02 am
    Istg these fucking people really be moaning all these shits without ever donating on charity, adopting a child, being raped and the list goes on They really love to sleep thinking they are on a higher moral gro... hHmmMmm

    Have been raped and Have been donating to various charity and will adopt in the future, as I am a male. This just proves how much of a stereotype and close minded you are

    Dkasomba12 February 9, 2021 10:11 am
    I did not dismiss him of his acts of rape. I only wanted to not let the uke be a murderer. Please, educate yourself and learn how to differentiate things. I never said not to focus on the rape where are you get... YaoiDrew

    Snorting doesn’t make them a murder so please stop saying that it’s rude, worry bout the children in the system instead of unborn kids please

    YaoiDrew February 9, 2021 10:50 am
    Snorting doesn’t make them a murder so please stop saying that it’s rude, worry bout the children in the system instead of unborn kids please Dkasomba12

    ????????????? Snorting? Cocaine? Drugs? Is that was you mean by snorting? To intentionally consume drugs, alcohol or other substances that may kill and hinder the life of an "unbord child" That isn't...... murder??? Tf. Y'all fucking done with this. Muting this. Also I do worry about the children, that's why I donate my old clothes, toys, books, and occasionally money.