WereDemonic February 8, 2021 5:15 pm

It's actually good! To the point that I search for the novel. I've found it on novel updates first but it only has 40 chapter. If you search the title, you'll find another novel translation that has gone over 300+

Soooo, actually, I want to read it but.... Hm, I read the reviews on novel updates... Andddd there was r*pe at chapter 200+..... The mc... Um.. They say he r*pe her 'for her own good'... I can't say for sure since I haven't read it yet..

And it could also be harem....

Ugh! I should read it first before read the reviews. The story is so good but... I had things against harem and ofc r*ape too. They also said that it feel forceful.

Well, different people have different opinions. If you dying to know more go check the reviews or just go read the novel.

I'm afraid that the story really let me down.... So, I'm having doubts whether to read it or not.

Let me now your opinion if you have any after you read it.

    Someone February 8, 2021 5:39 pm

    I also saw those spoilers. Whenever I start an action webtoon that’s really good I try to find out what happens in the future so I won’t get unnecessarily attached to characters and a story that’s just gonna go off the rails and disappoint me.

    The spoilers said that the whole thing is going to happen after he’s already become “clan head” and since that’s his goal and everything seems fine until then. I’ll just drop it there and consider it finished. :)

    I really hate harems and don’t even bother reading stories like that, so I was happy the mc didn’t want a harem and cheating because of what happened to his mother and all, so I’m pretty disappointed in the rout the author took.

    He/she really tried to justify cheating and r*pe.
    The whole idea that saving someone by f*ing them just seems really cheap to me, and like something you’d find in some trashy, pervy, self insert f-grade wuxia.
    The fact that the girl was unconscious, and all the side characters (mc’s wife, girls father...) literally begged him to f*k her felt really weird and forced. The girl also thanks him and is super touched and grateful towards him afterwards.
    It just seemed like a desperate but sh*tty attempt at justifying the whole thing.

    And if I’m right, the mc didn’t even really know the girl? And they even had a bad relationship (like, she was fighting him). So as bad as it sounds, why bother saving her? Why f*k/r*pe this random girl? Why even have this whole thing there to begin with? It goes against the stuff mc stands for. It’s just weird and unnecessary.
    If he/she really wanted a smut scene that bad, why not have it between the mc and his consenting lover?
    Why mix r*pe and a random girl into it?
    ┗( T﹏T )┛

    WereDemonic February 8, 2021 7:40 pm
    ~Spoiler~**I also saw those spoilers. Whenever I start an action webtoon that’s really good I try to find out what happens in the future so I won’t get unnecessarily attached to characters and a story that�... Someone

    Dang. I'm speechless. If the there isn't a rape plot like that, I'm quite sure it'll be more of a good story, the few chapter manhwa is already good. I like the mc bc he's kind of a bad ass. If the author want to make the MC look bad, there's no need to make the mc do the rape.

    But as you said, I think so too. It really is unnecessary for rape element to be be mix and had a thing to do with the mc. It makes him look really bad. If the author expect that then he's succeed. Also, many of the readers don't like rape elements had to do with the mc.

    I actually excited to read the novel but things gone wrong once I know some of this spoiler. Good thing that I'm fast to move on.

    It's fine if mc pranking people and become bad bc he was provoked and it is natural to do that. It is also exciting. Make the story more intense for the battle he had, or make the mc life harder to the edge and come back from hell to revenge.

    I'm sure I'll like it more, if the rape thingy isn't included.

    I'm even thinking that since the MC has taken 'that' girl virginity, in the future, will that girl fall in love wt mc and want to be his wife even if she's the second or the even if the mc has a child. Also that he need to take responsibility bc of thing happen in the past or something like that. It's possible for it to happen

    Won't it be there will be a harem then since mc had a wife already.

    But what you said about them having a bad relationship really hit me. Mc really acting like a saint. Why bother helping someone you had a bad relationship with, unless you like her than I got nothing to say. But I'll not read it since it'll be a harem then.

    Mc hadn't show anything pervert so I never thought there will be such a plot.

    The story is really good btw. Alas. Haaaa...

    He should be able stand at the top like what he dreamt of. Be the head of cult and so on. It's good to know how his life journey goes tho

    It's good to have the spoilers since I wont read the novel.

    cobrakai1972 February 8, 2021 11:12 pm

    wtf... the disappointment im feeling rn, I guess ill do the same as @somone and drop it when mc finishes his goal

    Someone February 8, 2021 11:37 pm
    Dang. I'm speechless. If the there isn't a rape plot like that, I'm quite sure it'll be more of a good story, the few chapter manhwa is already good. I like the mc bc he's kind of a bad ass. If the author want ... WereDemonic

    I was wrong about the”fighting/bad relationship between mc and random girl”. I re read some of the spoilers from before, and realized I mixed it up with a different novel I gave up reading. It still has some pretty tasteless moments tho, and my point that it was totally unnecessary still stands.

    Here’s a more detailed/better explanation (by GoodieBox and Bonono)

    ~ They come across some dude who says he needs yang-attributed medicine for his sister but he cannot get any since they killed the daughter of the divine doctor (Cause she had stockholm syndrome towards the pirates that kidnapped here). We cut to the chase with the legend of infinite yin qi and only MC being able to seal her blood points cause he's the strongest among them.

    Blah blah blah, they bring her to the godly doctor and doctor explains her yin qi is coming from the vagina and that to solve her "Blocked veins" someone with powerful yang qi has to mate with her. Top 5 powerful dad comes busting in cause he thinks his children were kidnapped, finds out his daughter might die, gets told she needs to be f*cked and begs MC to save his daughter.

    Mind you, Mun Ku is already crying and MC said it himself he must love only 1 wife to not repeat the tragedy in the cult but foreshadowing already gave us 2 more harem members for f*cks sake. Nano for some reason can only do birth control and not let the girl get pregnant yet for being far into the future can't even think of placing his semen in a container and just injecting it into her vagina or whatever. Turns out as MC is r*ping the girl, he gets another power-up by consuming and combining the some of the yin-qi with his energy and he goes up to the next martial level. ~

    ~ The story was going well until the author felt the need to include the "r*ping a sleeping woman for her own good" storyline. MC basically encounters new characters and within 10 chapters "the only way to save her life is to r*pe her while she is asleep". If you think this is distasteful though don't worry, the author pretty much fills a few chapters about how her brother and father are total cool with him r*ping their sister/daughter and that MC's main girl is total fine with it just this once. Incase that didn't convince you he also includes a rather large chunk about how MC is such a good person for r*ping her. The basic interaction between him and new girl is : Beat her up > Knock her out> Crew decides only way to save her is for the MC to r*pe her while she is unconscious>She wakes up mid r*pe tied down and immobilized> Thinks to herself MC is such a good person for r*ping her > MC gets power up.~

    WereDemonic February 9, 2021 9:12 am
    ~Spoiler~***I was wrong about the”fighting/bad relationship between mc and random girl”. I re read some of the spoilers from before, and realized I mixed it up with a different novel I gave up reading. It s... Someone

    Ohh, i see. Well, Srsly. Lol hahahaha. Another type on how to get more powerful is to fck

    WereDemonic February 9, 2021 9:17 am

    Mc also get the benefit also then lol.

    sammy February 9, 2021 11:04 am
    ~Spoiler~**I also saw those spoilers. Whenever I start an action webtoon that’s really good I try to find out what happens in the future so I won’t get unnecessarily attached to characters and a story that�... Someone

    he was not going to do it because he already has a wife and he swore that he would only marry one woman. but in those days there was no contraceptive so sleeping with another woman meant they would bear a child but nano informed him of a surgical procedure to make sure the woman does not bear his child, he also asked nano and the godly doctor if there was another way but even nano said that intercourse was the only way a before this there have been incidents where clan leaders wanted their daughters to marry him but he refused the reason he agreed to this was because he needed to solidify his position in the cult using contributions so that those greedy clans would not try to shake his position as chun ma by saying that eh has not contributed enough to the cult and the girl's father is quite a powerful and famous person. moreover the father begged him and his wife begged him also to do it and after making sure she had no issue with is he agreed. then on his journey he got a new power form the founding father of their cult, so he doesn't need to sleep with the girl periodically like other mangas do because the strange power he got ate the all of the excess frost qi that was exploding in the girl so she is alright forever and he used the power he got from her to advance to a whole new level. the fact that this happened is quite realistic for me because of thier time period and his position things like that are bound to happen, this incident just further proved that the mc is a man of his word as he swore that no other woman would bear his child other than his wife, our mc is not a pushover he could have killed the girl and her father there and then if he wanted to but they had use so he let them live and saved her. when the girl woke up her father was like you have to marry him but the girl was like if the criteria to marry a girl was to sleep with her once than all women would be in danger, in exchange for her life being saved her father and brother and herself joined his cult, her family had not allied with any faction that is the forces of good and evil and her father was considered very powerful so since those good and evil people couldn't get him they were repeatedly coming after his family so being under his cult was a good thing.

    i hate herems and i hate romance that ruins a good story but i assure you that there is no harem here and the story wasn't ruined one bit by this, sure i thought the authors actions were a bit cliched but as long as it doesn't ruin the story which it did not i am very fine with it. our mc became so op for words like he became so powerful and gained a lot of loyal subjects, he killed those that killed his mom and their children that made trouble for him in the cult he ties up all lose ends and is a very good leader and husband ot his wife.

    WereDemonic February 9, 2021 11:11 am
    MASSIVE SPOILERhe was not going to do it because he already has a wife and he swore that he would only marry one woman. but in those days there was no contraceptive so sleeping with another woman meant they wou... sammy

    Ohhhhh that's good! Thanks for the info. I'll read it then!

    cobrakai1972 February 9, 2021 4:42 pm
    MASSIVE SPOILERhe was not going to do it because he already has a wife and he swore that he would only marry one woman. but in those days there was no contraceptive so sleeping with another woman meant they wou... sammy

    imo yea okay sure whatever, but you know damn well that the author just wanted an excuse for the mc to fuck his way into power, like what? thats bad writing, there could be ANYTHING other than usage of sex but the author decided to go with it. I mean lemme just fuck someone so I can save their life right? thats bad writing LOL don't excuse it, has nothing to do with historical time. you might think its not ruined but I do LMAOOO. he raped her point blank, even if its to save her life, its still rape. its good that the author stopped at that one girl but I literally just can't understand the horrible cliche of using sex as a way to save someone, im sorry I just don't like it. if the author didnt start that to begin with, thats so sloppy man smh, I might have continued the novel if it wasn't for that one part and this is all coming from someone who doesnt mind harems too

    sammy February 9, 2021 5:14 pm
    imo yea okay sure whatever, but you know damn well that the author just wanted an excuse for the mc to fuck his way into power, like what? thats bad writing, there could be ANYTHING other than usage of sex but ... cobrakai1972

    I do know and I am not excusing the author for doing so, I just don't want people to drop the story because of that because I felt that it is very good, I mean you know that until this event happened the story has been very very interesting, overall it's a great story with its bad points as well but I am still looking forward to more updates

    cobrakai1972 February 9, 2021 5:21 pm
    I do know and I am not excusing the author for doing so, I just don't want people to drop the story because of that because I felt that it is very good, I mean you know that until this event happened the story ... sammy

    yea you're right! it was rlly good and unique bc I have never seen or heard nano machine been incorporated into these stories before and the development is also nice bc he wasn't straight OP yet. I will stick thru until that part at least, I just can't really stomach r@pe trope. and sorry if I was being aggressive bc I thought you were downplaying r@pe, and it pissed me off. have a good day tho!