joowon hate club <3

awooga February 8, 2021 4:22 pm

this was really good, but i still dont like joowon- and its not about "team taku" or whatever, i just do not like him in the slightest. he makes me mad

    wonuyaaa February 8, 2021 9:52 pm

    idk sweetie maybe its the fact that he got the development taku and haesoo sorely needed, and how he almost always had good intentions lmao

    Tortugas February 8, 2021 11:47 pm

    Sounds like an acute case of myopia, compounded by poor taste.

    edelric February 9, 2021 4:51 am
    Sounds like an acute case of myopia, compounded by poor taste. Tortugas


    BeeTee February 9, 2021 5:43 am

    me if i didn't have taste ( ˘ ³ ˘)~

    awooga February 9, 2021 2:28 pm
    idk sweetie maybe its the fact that he got the development taku and haesoo sorely needed, and how he almost always had good intentions lmao wonuyaaa

    i think it's bc he almost raped haesoo once

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 2:47 pm
    i think it's bc he almost raped haesoo once awooga

    lol are you talking abt the scene in the car?? cause he didnt at all. haesoo literally describes IN THE SCENE that this was their usual dynamics (hs said another time he “builds up walls just so jw can tear them down“) and he himself was the one acting weird, and that joowon wasnt in the wrong since he was going with their usual flow. and when haesoo expressed that he wanted to stop very seriously, joowon did?? thats doesnt constitute as “almost rape”. Meanwhile taku is literally pushing haesoo into sex when his friends are in the next room, while haesoo was SUPER uncomfortable and shaking his head to say no, and hs even calls taku weird for getting so aggressive and pushy :/// thats the most dubcon sex we got in this story. it wasnt from joowon.

    Iris February 9, 2021 2:57 pm
    i think it's bc he almost raped haesoo once awooga

    OMFG what? you need to re
    Read it back, if you don't have any valid excuse, please back off.

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 3:03 pm
    OMFG what? you need to re Read it back, if you don't have any valid excuse, please back off. Iris

    they are actual idiots istg

    Iris February 9, 2021 3:08 pm
    they are actual idiots istg wonuyaaa


    ashitaka February 9, 2021 3:48 pm
    i think it's bc he almost raped haesoo once awooga

    Joowon rape heasoo ? You mean taku chapter ~78 right ? Lmao

    awooga February 9, 2021 4:46 pm
    lol are you talking abt the scene in the car?? cause he didnt at all. haesoo literally describes IN THE SCENE that this was their usual dynamics (hs said another time he “builds up walls just so jw can tear t... wonuyaaa

    okay, first of all, im not team taku nor team joowon. i could honestly care less. i will admit, however, that i have a natural prejudice against joowon. prejudices are normal to an extent. in chap 56-57 (mostly 57) haesoo said no multiple times, but joowon proceeded out of jealousy. haesoo told him that if joowon continued to do what he did, to never speak to him again, because he didn't want it. i'm not saying that what taku did was right, because it WASNT. not liking joowon, taku, or any FAKE PERSON is a simple opinion. you're gonna have to realize that sometimes people don't have to agree on the same thing. however, youre gonna have to stop bashing opinions because theyre not yours. especially if they mean no harm. you can like joowon. that's not my business. i'm not an idiot for not liking him though. and i dont need a reason to not like him either. thank you for your time and enjoy your day. im gonna go listen to twice now <3

    awooga February 9, 2021 4:49 pm
    OMFG what? you need to re Read it back, if you don't have any valid excuse, please back off. Iris

    chaps 56-57 and i dont need to have a reason to not like someone. it's called a prejudice and i acknowledge it. youre in no place to verify my opinions, thank you.

    Iris February 9, 2021 5:01 pm
    chaps 56-57 and i dont need to have a reason to not like someone. it's called a prejudice and i acknowledge it. youre in no place to verify my opinions, thank you. awooga

    Pfft, a forced kiss is rApE they stumbled and landed on the bed and Joowon left a hickey on him is rape? OMFG WTF? Please stop embarrassing yourself, you are embarrassing me with your useless hate on Joowon. And Bruh did you even read the manhwa up-to the date? Or ya know, just left it from chapter 60-70 ? Just because your ship didn't sail and you are just saying you don't like taku nor joowon but rather decided to open a jooWON hate club only? Why not Taku's ?pfft,.so fake. :p

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 5:18 pm
    okay, first of all, im not team taku nor team joowon. i could honestly care less. i will admit, however, that i have a natural prejudice against joowon. prejudices are normal to an extent. in chap 56-57 (mostly... awooga

    Chapter 56/57?? wat? Where was joowon trying to have sex with haesoo in chapter 57 tho??? This man was tryna TALK with haesoo, who was trying to run away, hence why joowon kissed him out of deseperacy in the first place (you can see the way his eyes are closed and the expression on his face, while haesoo’s eyes are wide open). And it was all so haesoo can hear him out instead of pick up taku’s phone call and leave... after that kiss joowon proceeded to just speak to haesoo, not try to bang him. He said “cant we just be wrong” as an attempt to reconcile?? He even said he wanted to give everything up so they could start over. There was no attempt at sex. Haesoo saying “No” to joowon was that he didnt want to talk to joowon or stay with him.... not that haesoo was saying no to screwing him, which is what rape is. Anyway after joowon’s desperate kiss and saying everything he wanted to say to try and make haesoo listen to him.... he didnt cross the line when haesoo firmly drew it. Thats not almost rape. Also we didnt say youre an idiot for not liking joowon. We said it when you said he almost raped hs. as if joowon would actually do that after he ran out of things to say in his desperate attempt at reconciling with haesoo, and when haesoo made his stance clear. Yeah there’s mild dubcon going on throughout loh between jw/hs but its not rape because this is their established dynamics for like 7 years that haesoo finally grows tired of and wants to stop. And joowon genuinely lets him go when he does want to stop.

    awooga February 9, 2021 5:20 pm
    Pfft, a forced kiss is rApE they stumbled and landed on the bed and Joowon left a hickey on him is rape? OMFG WTF? Please stop embarrassing yourself, you are embarrassing me with your useless hate on Joowon. A... Iris

    i read the entire thing, lmao. youre clearly some adolescent fujoshi, so i dont think you understand. i never said it was rape, but he was gonna continue- "almost" is the keyword here. youre only reading what you want to read. i know that the pairing is joowon x haesoo, i even foreshadowed it. taku had no chance; that's nothing new. ive been saying i dont like joowon since the first time i tried to read this- i dont like any of the characters, really. they all seem like assholes. joowon just sets it off for me, and that doesnt really make it fake?? he continuously makes scenes even though he's a celebrity. he broke into taku's house?? like he clearly uses both his celebrity and pretty privileges to the core. but, whatever, i dont really have time for this anymore. you fujoshis just make yourself look dumber and dumber.

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 5:40 pm
    i read the entire thing, lmao. youre clearly some adolescent fujoshi, so i dont think you understand. i never said it was rape, but he was gonna continue- "almost" is the keyword here. youre only reading what y... awooga

    you seem like an adolescent yourself judging by your comments pls. celebrity privileges??? This man getting trashed by the public at every corner of the story. like getting criticized for being angry at randos taking pictures of haesoo?? Or losing his whole acting gig for a fight in highschool, is a privilege to you?? Do you know how easily ppl can lose careers in korea as a celebrity? Lol. Maybe youre mistaking things with american celebrity privilege. ALSO. Nawt you conveniently forgetting that joowon went to taku because he genuinely believed haesoo liked taku but taku was literally playing haesoo according to leo. And JOOWON WASNT EVEN WRONG. “I want to see the kind of story he writes when im gone” this asshat lol. Taku definitely deserved a punch there. But no joowon is the shit one here? lol

    BeeTee February 9, 2021 8:03 pm

    i really dont see how he almost raped haesoo. joowon wouldn't hurt haesoo like that :( he gave haesoo complete amount of space after haesoo walked out on him. it's true that in the heat of the moment during their breakup he was extremely desperate for haesoo to stay with him, because he loves haesoo and doesnt want to lose him (hence the aggressive kiss)... but that doesnt mean he would do something that would seriously and actually traumatize haesoo like ? ? joowon was pushy, but he also seems to know and understand that there are certain lines he cant cross even in such a desperate moment for him where he thinks he's gonna be abandoned by haesoo. i understand not liking him, but i dont really get why you hate him so much when he developed and changed a lot, and admitted all his mistakes and tried to be a lot better for haesoo. he had serious abandonment issues, especially cause of his father, but he becomes less of a coward and faces his feelings throughout the story. also everything he did, even as a teenager, regardless of development or not, he has decent intentions and motivations... something taku didnt exactly have (or even haesoo for that matter, considering how often haesoo wanted joowon to suffer and get hurt on his account and fumble in his career?? joowon meanwhile was trying to support and protect haesoo. he got too possessive at a point, but he learns to let go)

    edelric February 9, 2021 8:41 pm
    i really dont see how he almost raped haesoo. joowon wouldn't hurt haesoo like that :( he gave haesoo complete amount of space after haesoo walked out on him. it's true that in the heat of the moment during the... BeeTee

    well said! i agree with a lot of what you said.

    wonuyaaa February 9, 2021 11:21 pm
    i really dont see how he almost raped haesoo. joowon wouldn't hurt haesoo like that :( he gave haesoo complete amount of space after haesoo walked out on him. it's true that in the heat of the moment during the... BeeTee

    this!!! not to mention the fact that his possessiveness and controlling act is also half haesoo's fault. haesoo is literally the one with multiple monologues n quotes where he says things like "I craved an obsessive love", how he "built up walls so joowon can tear them down", explaining how he loves it when joowon gets angry cause of him, he even goes far as to straight up saying this was a relationship he himself "manipulated". joowon is at fault wrong for being so immature and feeding into that behavior and letting his love transform to unhealthy possessiveness. but haesoo is the ringmaster here, pushing all this events. and then when haesoo suddenly wants to stop, obviously joowon is left so conflicted and stranded, not knowing how to act anymore (as we see with the surprised face he wears in the car scene). i mean... this has been going on between them like so for years and years, cause they literally don't know how ELSE to express their love when they aren't even officially together and thus automatically lack a sense of security or exclusivity.

    i dont get how readers can paint joowon as "the bad guy" when you consider all this!! especially when joowon A: hasnt and wouldnt intentionally hurt haesoo (or rape him for that matter, which require a looot of malicious intention I'd think!! lol). and B: lets haesoo go and gives him space when the rules they abided by were ACTUALLY broken (as haesoo narrates how they agreed on this type of r/s mutually and consensually, and played the same rules: more on how haesoo ALSO perpetuated their unhealthy relationship!!). Anyway, after that breakup joowon even resolves to be whatever haesoo wants him as, despite HS hurting him and saying he likes Taku. Like Joowon literally calls to tell HS he'll always be on his side as a brother or friend-- exactly what haesoo said he wanted him as. he literally shows no grudge against Haesoo even when their broken r/s is BOTH their faults and is not joowon's blame to shoulder alone. Because joowon's love is unconditional like that and always has been kk~

    Orange_puss February 15, 2021 9:04 pm

    Hey finally!! it was the same for me but with different person. In my case it was taku.