Hmmmm. A bit of a spoiler. Sorry I just can't stop it. I so love Felix. The epitome of a perfect partner a woman. Could have. He got everything.
Actually, Felix said it to Cole Patrick that Benjamin is his son since Ben is Isaac's son. Thats how Cole Patrick realize that Isaac is an Omega. Since Ben is the spitting image of Felix. But the person who will tell Felix that Ben is his son and flesh will still be Isaac.
And the reaction is heartwarming. Felix was dumbfounded, ecstatic, overwhelmed but angry rolled into one. It turns out that he can't forget the omega he slept with in the island.The feeling he had was unexplainable and he put it into his deepest heart and he just remind himself that he can't forget it because he is angry for breaking his arm. But it was just really a cover on his true feelings.
When he was told of the truth, he realized that theirs was really a destiny. He is destined to meet Isaac and that Isaac is his soulmate. His partner in life. And he was overjoyed to found out that they have a son.
(This is on the novel though).
And almost, Isaac will end up like his father, marked without their consent. But with Isaac it was overridden by Felix's pheromones This is the scene that I so look forward to see. It's just so deep, so solid and very satisfying.
Thank you for this but can u tell me where I can read the novel? power best girl
I got the link in one of the comments here. I read and binged with the novel before the end of last year. And I am sorry but can't locate the link anymore. As much as I wanted to share the link. :( I am sorry.
Hmmmm. A bit of a spoiler. Sorry I just can't stop it. I so love Felix.
The epitome of a perfect partner a woman. Could have. He got everything.
Actually, Felix said it to Cole Patrick that Benjamin is his son since Ben is Isaac's son.
Thats how Cole Patrick realize that Isaac is an Omega. Since Ben is the spitting image of Felix. But the person who will tell Felix that Ben is his son and flesh will still be Isaac.
And the reaction is heartwarming. Felix was dumbfounded, ecstatic, overwhelmed but angry rolled into one. It turns out that he can't forget the omega he slept with in the island.The feeling he had was unexplainable and he put it into his deepest heart and he just remind himself that he can't forget it because he is angry for breaking his arm. But it was just really a cover on his true feelings.
When he was told of the truth, he realized that theirs was really a destiny. He is destined to meet Isaac and that Isaac is his soulmate. His partner in life. And he was overjoyed to found out that they have a son.
(This is on the novel though).
And almost, Isaac will end up like his father, marked without their consent. But with Isaac it was overridden by Felix's pheromones This is the scene that I so look forward to see. It's just so deep, so solid and very satisfying.