What annoys you the most about some anime fans?

Roxas_Nami February 8, 2021 8:28 am

Only bringing this up cause I got into an argument with one of my friends. I find it really annoying when some fans refuse to watch a show or claim that the show is bad because the fandom is annoying/stupid/cringey. I have never understood this. It's perfectly fine to watch or read something without partaking in the fandom. Why do some people allow a fandom to dictate how they feel about something they've never read/watched before. I'm genuinely curious. Not looking to argue. If anyone would like to explain, pls do!

    Yuhhh February 8, 2021 8:40 am

    Lol some of them really like to force someone to hate a character that they dislike. Such as liking floch and gabi for example. Then there's a lot of manga fan that's always spoil for everyone idk why do they do that haha

    blobfish February 8, 2021 8:44 am

    i’m not sure if this might be an accurate explanation, but i once used to be a BTS fan (i’m not a hater now though, i just dont vibe with anything about them anymore), though after a year i stopped because i just genuinely found their concept to be extremely boring and their music is just not as good as when i first discovered them (for my taste), and the moment i stopped, the whole army fandom literally became so toxic and cringe and just full of childish 12 year olds who like to pick fights literally with everyone and i kinda feel really embarrassed/ashamed that i used to be one of them just a while ago. and now i just try to avoid watching/listen anything related to bts bcs seeing the fandom make my eyes hurt with extreme cringe and i’d just unconsciously thought does their content so worth it that i have to bare the cringy-ness&toxicity of the fandom? no. but this rarely happens with manga/anime/book/tv fandoms though, if i like the story then i do, if i don’t then i don’t. i wont even bother about the fandom lmao. i think my problems are just within the kpop fandoms, bcs they can get extremely scary and dangerous sometimes

    Roxas_Nami February 8, 2021 9:08 am
    i’m not sure if this might be an accurate explanation, but i once used to be a BTS fan (i’m not a hater now though, i just dont vibe with anything about them anymore), though after a year i stopped because ... blobfish

    That's funny cause I'm a bts fan. Have been since 2013 when the fandom was chill and not oversaturated with crazy obsessed fans. I'm not that ashamed I guess cause I associate with enough of the sane, adult fans that to know that the normal fans outnumber the crazy, childish ones, it's just that we're a lot quieter and don't spam bts everywhere 24/7. And yes! I feel the same way, just like the story and move on. I love hxh and AOT but you won't catch me anywhere near the fandom. Between the manga readers that spoil everything and the crazy shippers that ship characters with every other character and their moms, I'd rather just complete the series and move on to the next anime.