
THANKYOUUUUU IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVERRR keith didnt even give a fuck when he got raped HE EVEN BLAMED IT ON HIM FOR NOT TAKING IT and he didnt even care ab his trauma either he only did all the stuff he did like the therapy just to have him still work and keith even raped him and has just not done almost anythig good for yeon woo without other intentions and not everyone needs to give people second chances no matter how much you love them and this baby will bring no good with how things are going right now
lol i think aborting the baby would be a good idea, sorry. like he gets in so many bad situations, like in the last three chapters he was 1. knocked out and nearly raped 2. had to go on the run from keith and fell and 3. was almost beaten up by a gang of people.
raising a kid or having a fetus in the third trimester while he had a fucking bounty on his head is a baaaddd idea and will endanger the child.