Qingqing is really selfish in a way how are you gonna risk your life for someone (trying not to spoil book) who pretend to be one of your mates then a scale to your neck threatening to hurt yourself JUST to save the person who almost got you killed in the first place and not only that, you would also be leaving your mates, kids and new born baby who still drinks milk by themselves which could be dangerous for the baby itself with all the problems she has and overall I’m done with you and your stupid and dumb ways of thinking and really hope that you start using your brain soon cause I’m this
Qingqing is really selfish in a way how are you gonna risk your life for someone (trying not to spoil book) who pretend to be one of your mates then a scale to your neck threatening to hurt yourself JUST to save the person who almost got you killed in the first place and not only that, you would also be leaving your mates, kids and new born baby who still drinks milk by themselves which could be dangerous for the baby itself with all the problems she has and overall I’m done with you and your stupid and dumb ways of thinking and really hope that you start using your brain soon cause I’m this