Beast snakes automatically transfer all their memories to their offspring over the generations and so curtis’ little snakes also get all the memories and so after some time when qingqing want to meet her childern again she finds one and takes care of him without cutis knowledge because he doesn’t allow her to meet the children. So this one child of hers has grown a lot but is still in his snake form because he’s still young of course. But all of a sudden he shows up in human form one day even though it’s too early for him to transform and he looks like a little curtis to her. She finds him cute and is like a real mother to him teaching him things and taking care of him until one day he leads her away from the others to a little house and reveals his true intentions. This little snake was able to transform this fast because the ape king helped him and he made a deal with the ape king to be able to take qingqing for away from curtis because he wants to become cutis and be qingqings mate! He doesn’t really see her as his mother anymore and he wants to take the place of his father and so on but cutis saves her and other things happen...

Argh... if they are going for cringe... either the kid either grapes her or... Curtis eats his own kids.... I am not looking forward to that. Unless, the kid realizes that his lack of parental guidance and care, is the root for his need for love from his attention seeking mother and just accepts that he is better off without his toxic family and then grows up as a wholesome person?
All I got to say is Curtis was right for treating his kids like that cause BABY THERE’S GONNA BE A HUGE ISSUE and y’all gonna hate his kids so, all I got to say is DO NOT GROW ATTACHED OR LIKE THE BABYSNAKES and the situation is honestly disgusting to me