
57thstar February 7, 2021 12:02 pm

You know that situation when you are so confused that you are just speechless and have blank mind? That is how I feel. I really don't know how to react to this plot.

    Sofia mery February 8, 2021 8:56 am

    It was cute and all but why and how did they start to like each other? I Mean just after one Got hard at the other hitting him and the other going hard after hearing him moan? What
    Like I just don't understand how just because of that they suddenly confessed to each other
    And the fact that their love is strong makes me more confused
    I was more interested in the story of that dude, the cop, that was truly interesting, I really hoped to see his happy ending but I guess him going to therapy to find himself is a happy one.
    The ending is kind of rushed for me