Omg no, I'm in the 70s chapters of the book and a relationship is hinted but she doesnt force him, or atleast up until the point I'm an, which is much farther in the plot than in the manga. The manga ends off about chapter 45 in the book and I'm already past that and her forcing him into a relationship does not happen! Hope this quells ur fears!(⌒▽⌒)

Yeah... there is something more about her personality than we see outside... u remember when she's the only one who witness Arthur going to be berserk bcuz of that freaking Psycho... she saw it dang!. And when she smile when she invited Arthur omg ... I hope she's u know... Honestly I ship them first sorry but I'm not against Tess but if the spoiler is really true dang no freaking way I will like it the same way... Plsss Arthur choose the right one huhuhu

Ok she did do that however in the end it was his choice and it helped him realize stuff from his past life including what happened with Alea and how he *SPOILER* did want love because he didnt have it in has past life and he does admit to himself that he does kinda have feelings for her....and yeah it was kind of a guilt trip but she didnt blackmail him or anything like that... why yall hating in my girl Tess (⊙…⊙ )
someone said that tess forces art into a relationship with her and now i can’t look at tess the same, i need someone to tell me if it’s true or not T-T