Okay, so what's happened till now was Peggy/peigy kept depending upon her shoes for keep being pretty. Somehow she and chester got together. Peggy shows some tiny bit of character development, that she refused to wear shoes and depending upon it. But as the plot goes by, she's not what we can say, strong or interesting or independent, she still depended upon her other tools. After a while, it got revealed that chester is one of her tools and not really human being. Then again dragged drama. But in the latest ep, somehow idk why (either he was being controlled by other human like her or the tongue itself was controlling him) but Chester backstabbbed Peggy on the national television where she was hosting a show and her face and body got revealed, then she told everyone that which is the real she. And even revealed everything about tongue and others like her. Even others like her didn't help her as she revealed everything, and expected everyone to accept that fact. Everyone was calling her monster and what not, but I think that was stupid move as she still don't know the mastermind of everything and is still weak. And I don't think there was any reason to make Chester as a bad guy either.
can anyone spoil this for me? i dropped it around chp 30 bc the plot was just so boring