monkey88 February 7, 2021 5:58 am

So before I begin, let me just say that in order to summarize wtf is going on, I'm gonna be dropping spoilers like they're hot. Be warned...

SPOILERS AHEAD: So. The story revolves around 2 MC's. Theirs the titular Sora, a kind hearted young boy who lived with monks on a mountain top all his youth and the charge he's to take over--a young boy named Jeongha (from here on "Jeon") who's the sickly son of a wealthy businessman. The story begins with Sora, at around age 7 being taken down the Misty Mountain (Hobbit fans, your welcome) to meet and live with Jeon and his Dad. The issue is, the son Jeon is SO sick and SO close to death, that only the young prodigy Sora can help save him from the literal malevolent "grudges" (think The Grudge) that are bound to Jeon's fate. Due to "reasons" related to his family history, Jeon has been cursed by a Mountain God and will likely die within a year without help due these Grudges.

Enter Sora. Jeon hates Sora. From their first meeting, Jeon was anything but kind--throwing and hitting Sora for just about anything. The reason for this? It's explained later in the story but Sora continues to watch over Jeon and live with him as his helper for the next 10+ years...

Now at the present time, Sora follows Jeon to school like always but this time Sora meets a young girl and it heralds the beginning of the events to unfold. Basically, the girl is psychic too and can see spirts but only vaguely. She notices Sora can too but doesn't realize how gifted he is. What she does realize is, there is something following Sora. Something Big...something Dark. It turns out, Sora has kept Jeon alive for the past decade by taking the grudges off of Jeon and unto himself, staying strong through self-sacrifice and natural talent. Things aren't just bad for Sora though, as it turns out due to the events caused by our new Girl--a demon sleeping in Jeon has awoken and is now trying to take control. Cue the next segment being all about what it is inside Jeon, why it's there, and what it's connection with Sora is. (SPOILERS) It's a random spirit that took the form of Sora and got frisky with Jeon, who was currently dealing with what he was feeling for the kind and caring Sora. This action of "taking him in" causes Jeon to accept the spirit into himself, basically giving in for a false dream. It's from here that Sora and Jeon's relationship turns for the worse and continue until present time, due to the lack of trust between them. Jeon doesn't trust Sora cuz he said he'd leave when Jeon's better and Sora won't trust Jeon because he won't tell him what he let in ((that it took Sora's form)). After this though we learn that Sora is getting weaker as the amount of malevolence he's taking from Jeon grows. The Girl is concerned for Sora and attempts to help Jeon find a substitute for him, allowing them to take the burden in he and Sora's place--but the compatibility issue makes it hard. Ultimately, Jeon chooses to sacrifice his own brother using the knife of a family Snake Clan (opposite of Sora's mountain clan) to pass ALL of his grudges to his lil bro. Cuz fuck him for not being sickly like Jeon...that's his reasoning. ANYWAY, he chickens out thank goodness but his evil demon side pops in and stabs lil bro anyway--they don't make amends although lil bro understands it wasn't him(and also, lil bro isn't actually a related--just pretending).

Meanwhile, Sora appears having bugged Jeon's phone and deals with the situation but this all leads to Jeon confessing to Sora. Sora however believes he just feels mixed up between what he thinks is "love" vs "appreciation/attachment" and tells Jeon as much. Jeon dismisses Sora back to the Mountain and from here we FINALLY get to understand Sora's PoV a bit more.

So Sora isn't your ordinary Monk child. He was found on the Misty Mountain (a place of gathered spirits of the dead) as a baby under eerie circumstances (a Monk was led by a ghost) and was raised by the Head Monk. It would seem Sora has been blessed with divine blessings from birth. That is, the very personification of Buddhism follows him around (later found to be the Big Bad Scary dark thing following him. It just LOOKED evil cuz it's outside was covered by the malicious grudges but its inside was still pure). This causes Sora to be much more connected to spirts and they to him. At one point in his time under the Monk, he began to hate how he was treated. He felt that he wasn't allowed to be himself due to his power. The Head Monk went about trying to instill a sense of duty and empathy for others but Sora lacked empathy and didn't see why he should bother wasting his time caring for either the living kids or the dead of the Mountain when he could live his own life his way. This leads to his traumatic idea of Destiny being unavoidable and at the age of 7, he let loose a fire demon and allowed it to burn down the wooden shed it was in--before resealing it mere moments after, having 2nd thoughts.

Following this, he was allowed to go down and leave the mountain under the service of Jeon's father under the condition that he return and take over the Mountain should he fail to save Jeon's life. This was an unfair promise forced upon Sora however and after finally hauling his sick arse up the mountain to find Sora, Jeon meets him and is saved from his evil side. Sora, realizing his true feelings and the feelings he shared with Jeon, is willing to sacrifice his life now to forever rid Jeon of the evil entity. He does so but thankfully Sora is saved and he and Jeon live together from then onwards. Always together, just like Jeon always wanted and always free to choose their own destiny...just like Sora always wanted. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

God, I know this was too long but the whole story is just a confusing mess if you aren't paying attention. It's an amazing story though and I honestly was impressed with how much better it was than I expected. THIS IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE CLICHé MANGA! 8/10 for the story, art's use of B/W, and characters. There is little BL with about 3 kisses in total iirc.

    Soti October 29, 2023 9:20 pm

    Thank you so much for this explanation. I had a few questions after reading the story and this summary just answered them for me. Thank you!