Guys, this is not confirmed. In the most recent raws Saharah is fine. But interesting theory for the future... Makes sense that he would turn into a full dragon or similar.
Guys, this is not confirmed. In the most recent raws Saharah is fine. But interesting theory for the future... Makes sense that he would turn into a full dragon or similar. elfiemouse
Yes, I know saharah is fine rn but im flipping scared or lets just say pretty nervous about the future.. I don't really know how to feel if Jin and Suu ends up together. I'm not hating on the fact that they might end up together but ehhh..
Yes, I know saharah is fine rn but im flipping scared or lets just say pretty nervous about the future.. I don't really know how to feel if Jin and Suu ends up together. I'm not hating on the fact that they mi... Non-Exal
Same. I really hope Saharah is endgame but the second lead rarely wins. I think something will happen to Saharah and Suu and Jin will be together. Hoping the author doesn’t stick to convention though
Same. I really hope Saharah is endgame but the second lead rarely wins. I think something will happen to Saharah and Suu and Jin will be together. Hoping the author doesn’t stick to convention though elfiemouse
All of your words are so true :(, Second lead barley even wins. I swear if this ends up like" love or hate ",..Imma bang my head against the wall. I really hope its threesome as well.
i dont know how to feel..sararah is gonna disappear...soon..