ok so

countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 8:46 pm

how are u gonna use gay in an insulting way when ur translating a gay comic? do you know where u are lmao??

    Terian February 6, 2021 8:51 pm

    Oi oi

    -MinHyun- February 6, 2021 8:58 pm

    Not meant as an insult tho??
    Just used it because of fucked up sense of humor.
    Also am gay myself so i didnt mean it as an insult?

    corpaaa February 6, 2021 9:19 pm

    I was gonna comment this exact thing, it just screams "I fetishize gay men but I'm not a real ally"

    WishHint February 6, 2021 10:13 pm

    in the US, alot of people use the term "thats gay" to refer to something thats like cringey so i dont think the translator meant it as an insult but rather to say "im not putting oi oi cuz that just sounds cringey"

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:00 pm
    Not meant as an insult tho??Just used it because of fucked up sense of humor.Also am gay myself so i didnt mean it as an insult? -MinHyun-

    As long as you didnt mean it in a harmful way i have no problem! My bad for assuming it was malicious. Im from Britain, im used to hearing "thats gay" in a very derogatory way, as someone who's also gay i assumed that it was someone straight using it that way since thats what i'm used to. But again, i know now that it wasnt malicious so its no fault of yours at all, again sorry for assuming :)

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:03 pm
    in the US, alot of people use the term "thats gay" to refer to something thats like cringey so i dont think the translator meant it as an insult but rather to say "im not putting oi oi cuz that just sounds crin... WishHint

    Didn't know it could be used that way! Ive never heard of that before, i havent heard it myself either. But thank you for letting me know

    -MinHyun- February 6, 2021 11:03 pm
    As long as you didnt mean it in a harmful way i have no problem! My bad for assuming it was malicious. Im from Britain, im used to hearing "thats gay" in a very derogatory way, as someone who's also gay i assum... countrysidelemon

    It's all good, just kind of weird seeing something i see used in media and irl as a joke is weird.
    I didn't specifically mean as an insult to another person, just as an ironic joke as we are reading a gay manhwa.

    countrysidelemon February 6, 2021 11:30 pm
    It's all good, just kind of weird seeing something i see used in media and irl as a joke is weird.I didn't specifically mean as an insult to another person, just as an ironic joke as we are reading a gay manhwa... -MinHyun-

    No worries, i understand now thanks for letting me know