ByeonDuck on Twitter: "Haha... haha.... It's going to be good." What does she have in sto...

Yuki February 6, 2021 5:53 pm

ByeonDuck on Twitter:
"Haha... haha.... It's going to be good."
What does she have in store for us? I'm excited and scared…

    Seminara February 7, 2021 12:34 am

    Whenever she laugh it’s always a bad this .. like when she laughed and we had the painful chapter when SH raped NK after the abduction

    AmyzingAmy February 7, 2021 12:53 am
    Whenever she laugh it’s always a bad this .. like when she laughed and we had the painful chapter when SH raped NK after the abduction Seminara

    xDD author is a sadist huh