Lovely story, one of the best I’ve ever read.

fatima. February 6, 2021 12:58 pm

Wow. Wow. Wow. This story is so devastatingly sweet. There are some points in time where I was fed up with Minhee... but you know what? I perceive those situations as being apart of who she is. And honestly, I love that Minhee isn’t just a dull and perfect character. She is someone with a hefty amount of flaws. With the abuse she’s been putting up with since she was a young child, she was always trying to find someone who could love her, who she could depend on— a home. You can definitely see how she’s changed throughout these 89 chapters. Through perseverance, hard-work, and a LOT of redemption arcs, she realizes her self-worth and with that, can finally become happy. I could not stop crying for the last couple of chapters. So glad that I stayed up to binge this manhwa (⌒▽⌒)! It was worth it. Although. There are three seasons as the Author has said in 89.1 so I don’t know what’s with some of the comments underneath me... Anyways, I’m dying for the next season to happen. I’ll be camping here in agony until it comes out. Until then!

    fatima. February 6, 2021 1:12 pm

    Wait, I’m now just realizing that it’s been since August, the creator said in 89.1 that it’ll return in November, but it’s February... also, it has a completed mark? and here I thought there would be another season :( there are numerous amounts of things to be settled in this story and I thought that it would be delved into more deeply for the next seasons, but I guess I was wrong... I am very confused.

    Briada February 13, 2021 8:50 am
    Wait, I’m now just realizing that it’s been since August, the creator said in 89.1 that it’ll return in November, but it’s February... also, it has a completed mark? and here I thought there would be an... fatima.

    Hey there even I saw the completed tag and wondered about the authors note and seeing how everything was mentioned I guess it was posted at the end of season 2 This Manhwa is definitely completed for sure with 3 seasons

    fatima. February 15, 2021 7:34 pm
    Hey there even I saw the completed tag and wondered about the authors note and seeing how everything was mentioned I guess it was posted at the end of season 2 This Manhwa is definitely completed for sure wit... Briada

    Ahhh, I see... so that note was for season 1. I went back and it even said that season 1 was for 28 episodes. I guess that the entire three seasons spanned the 89 episodes. Very confusing why whoever uploaded that put it after everything’s been finished... that definitely threw me off. This makes me sad, because I don’t like the ending. There’s a lot of things that is missing, for example: what happens to Jiho? The antagonist? Did Minhee ever talk to/thank Mother about what she did? What happens to her father as well? I guess the author wanted us to connect the dots, and I can do that, but the ending just feels so shallow and rushed through... ruins my perfect review of this story by a lot. Thanks for telling me though, now I don’t have to come back here every little while to check out chapters that’ll never come LOL.

    Briada February 17, 2021 7:37 am
    Ahhh, I see... so that note was for season 1. I went back and it even said that season 1 was for 28 episodes. I guess that the entire three seasons spanned the 89 episodes. Very confusing why whoever uploaded t... fatima.

    Lol yeah I get that feeling too Yeah they didn't show the main cast's ending ... & S it gives that incomplete vibe . But all is well that ends well I guess