Ghost x human tearjerkers please
I’m screaming
Bl rec
I’m trying to find this bl jp manga which I read about 3 years ago I have...
bangs head on wall
friendly reminder
Hi. I need help. I can't find this manga for the life of me. It's basically...
somebody recommend a good well-written novel pls it can be about anything
It's the very typical plot of a highschool boy getting transported to a fantasy world to become a hero and saves the world, Then he dies and he's back to when he was first transported to the fantasy So he saves the world again but involves lots of sacrifices.
Then again he resets and save the world AGAIN; but this time he makes sure no one dies. After that glorious non-sacrifice run he dies AGAIN.
So, the plot resets, except that he is now a she and now isn't even allowed to become a hero candidate because he's female, and now wondering if it's worth saving the world again.