Lol, than he is white monkey, and let me tell you white monkey or albino monkey is rare and they go extinct in time is their gene pool is dead....hate the monkey slurs on other people. Get a grip. Actually there are many who are racist but actually denied it. Asians tend to think western people looked down on them and tend to discern all western people as racist. That is racism. But at the same time there are people who have this toxic white supremacy thing in their blood that makes them more jerk than they are. And this is also racism. We are just too proud to acknowedge that we also in the wrong.
Dont judge me, i am asian, have white friends...got attack by racism too...but so far i am not dead yet. Toxic people wont kill you, you kill yourself when you are too immersed in it. Earth is wide go explore and maybe clean up the ocean if people are too free to be blatant racist. So yeahhhhh i hate this part in this story. A bit out of line when it comes to professional etiquette.
ughh i know its just a comic but seeing a character say "asian monkey" really gets on my nerves (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸