
dayanna leong February 6, 2021 12:23 am

Spoiler!!!! In the novel!!!
Part 1.

So yeah, Felix and Isaac shared a passionate night together after Isaac accidentally went into heat in the middle of a mission. From what I understood, Isaac actually did think he was a beta at first cause he presented way too late, at around 19 years old, so by the time he met Felix that very first time, he’d only known he was an omega for a year or two... tbh it was never very clear, or perhaps I didn’t pay attention to that correctly lmao. Anyways, Isaac had never had a heat before and he didn’t really know what to do. Felix finds him and kind of takes advantage of the situation despite the terrible place and time. Isaac needed help and he kindly offered. Felix thought it was fine cause Isaac wouldn’t probably remember him, he was feverish and slightly delusional with the heat. Next morning Isaac wakes up first and doesn’t know what happened until he sees Felix sleeping peacefully beside him and suddenly remembers. Turns out Isaac’s mission was to kill the gun dealer and mafia boss, Felix Felice (or Prixel, idk what the last name is cause is different everywhere) but for some reason he is unable to. Felix wakes up, Isaac ties him down and breaks his arm so he doesn’t escape so easily and flies.

That’s what we know at first, 4 years later Felix comes into a flowershop that turns out to be Isaac’s flowershop. Isaac immediately recognizes him as his son’s father, but Felix doesn’t seem to remember him, so he stays quiet. Felix, however, feels attracted to Isaac, has the haunting feeling that they’ve met before but he doest know where. Felix continues to come looking for Isaac, he finds him terribly attractive and because Isaac seems to be a beta, he pursues him unashamedly. He tells Isaac that he hates omegas because of an incident with one 4 years ago, who broke his arm and tied him down after he so nicely helped him through a heat. Isaac knows immediately that he’s talking about him, but Felix genuinely seems to be unaware of Isaacs identity. He’s scared, but at the same time Felix is so attractive that Isaac can’t help but feel like staying close to him. In the novels Isaac insinuates he fell for Felix at first sight that one night, but then tries to pass it as a superficial thing since Felix is supposed to be a very, very beautiful man.

Felix is jealous of a guy named Benjamin who Isaac writes cute letters for, and decides to kidnap the guy to attract Isaac’s attention. He doesn’t know Benjamin is a baby until said baby is already at his living room, he realizes that it was a terrible mistake, but its too late cause no long after that Isaac is at his doorstep, seemingly having gone way easily past Felix’s security system in the mansion and is ready to kill them all and eat them for lunch. Felix apologizes for the misunderstanding and having had investigated Isaac a bit, he knows now that he only has his mom and his son, and the baby has a different last name, as well as Isaac’s mom. They’re Parker, and Isaac is Sinclair. Also, the baby isn’t legally related to Isaac and doesn’t seem to have a mom (remember Felix thinks Isaac’s a beta). So he is curious about it. Isaac confesses he’s being followed by some people and he’s basically on the run. Felix offers him protection for him and his family in exchange of Isaac having sex with him. They finally agree on meeting every monday and Felix assigns a squad of bodyguards for Isaac’s lil family.

They do start meeting every monday and Felix thought he was going to get tired of Isaac not longer after, like he always did with his partners. (Felix is a sex beast, unsatiable and rough, everyone thought Isaac wasn’t going to be able to deal with someone as Felix, but Isaac can take him very well. The novel is very very explicit and violent, in sex scenes as well as fight scenes). Felix finds himself more and more attracted to Isaac, he falls unexpectedly fast and hard for Isaac, but he knows Isaac is not telling him a lot of things, he’s an absolute mistery. So he orders his cousin Noah, another omega who is a very skilled hacker, to investigate Isaac. He comes out with nothing, Isaac figures as an absolutely normal person, although he recognizes that it is kind of sus.

A lot of fucks later, its been maybe a month or two, or so tbh idk (time isn’t exact here). literally everyone and they mom know, or at least suspect that Benjamin is Felix’s son, or at least related to him cause they’re identical.

One day a guy shows up at Isaac’s apartment. His name is Steve. He talks to Isaac about a guy named Cole, he says that he’s looking for Isaac and that he eventually will find him, that Isaac should be careful cause the guy is dangerous. He shows Isaac a picture of him and Felix, apparently taken by a paparazzi (Felix is kind of famous, in a rich-handsome-high society-bachelor kind of way, he poses as a legal good citizen, but he’s actually a trafficant) and asks him to testify against this guy Cole, Steve tells him that there are rumors saying that Isaac has a bunch of documents that prove Cole’s corruption, but Isaac wants nothing to do with that, he thinks is too dangerous. We learn that Isaac’s mom and dad got divorced and Isaac’s omega dad won custody of his son, then later married an alpha, who legally adopted Isaac as his own son. Isaac’s mom lost contact with her son when he was like 14, until one day he showed up at her doorstep, like 7 yrs later or smth, with a newborn baby in his arms. Anyways, Isaac says no fucking way so the guy leaves. Also, the guy knows Isaac had a baby, and we also learn that this guy Cole also knew Isaac had been pregnant when he ran away, but he thought the baby had dies bc Isaac being a beta made a pregnancy difficult.

A couple days later, Isaac gets kidnapped but said guy Cole. He gets tied and terribly beaten for a couple days, Cole sometimes facetimes him to try and convince him to give him the documents but Isaac denies having anything in his power. During that time, Felix comes into his Rut and since the contract with Isaac stated that Isaac had to help him during his rut, Isaac being unknowingly kidnapped had broken his word to Felix, which meant basically that Isaac was now fully under Felix’s control. But Felix realizes something is wrong cause isaac can’t be found anywhere, the flowershop had been closed for days and Isaac’s apartment had been emptied like a couple days ago. Felix things he ran away and is furious. When Isaac is finally able to escape, he comes into the flowershop ready to take his stuff and disappear again but finds Felix there, who state and gets worried in his stupidly cute childish way. While they’re talking, the flowershop suddenly gets attacked by a bunch of guys with big, big guns they hide behind the counter, alone because Felix being his usual stupid self, didn’t bring his bodyguards. So Isaac was hiding a literal arsenal in his flowershop, takes out a huge rifle and kills all the guys in the blink of an eye in front of a very impressed and turned on Felix. They run away in Felix car before the police arrives, then Isaac leaves Felix somewhere in the city, tells him to go back home and take care of Benjamin and mrs. Parker, he doesn’t tell Felix what’s happening, points at him with the gun and threatens to shoot if he doesn’t come off the car. Then tells him that Benjamin can’t lose the both of them, that he needs to run right now, and to please pleaseeeee take care of his family. Felix comes home everyone was worried for him, Felix doubles security for the family but then decides it’d be better if he brought them to the mansion. However, mrs. Parker doesn’t trust that, she’s scared cause her son hasn’t contacted her and it takes Felix a while to convince her.

Meanwhile, Isaac who’s already out of town is injured, tired and scared, makes a stop in a tiny town and uses a public phone to call his mom, but when he dials the number it gets redirected to his own phone, which number he doesn’t even know. Something’s terribly wrong. He picks up and is Cole. He basically tells Isaac theres nowhere to run, he’ll find him, and tells him he knows about Benjamin. Isaac immediately drives back home and gets there in like 4 hours. At the same time, mrs. Parker finally agreed to come to Felix’s mansion, they’re packing everything they need, but Felix having a bad feeling about things, drives there with his right hand Tony. Getting there they see Isaac speeding past them in Felix’s sedan, when they get there shit already hit the fan. A lot of guys with big guns killed almost all the bodyguards, they’re taking mrs. Parker and Benjamin with them. Isaac’s trying to fight them but theyre too many, Felix and tony help but in the end they couldn’t do anything. Isaac got shot and is bleeding terribly, Felix gets him home and a doctor stitches him up.

Continue part 2

    aphrodita February 6, 2021 2:38 am

    ohhh were can i read the novel??

    (*-*) February 6, 2021 4:54 am

    Where can I readd the novel? I swear cant fint it anywhere

    dayanna leong February 6, 2021 10:18 am
    ohhh were can i read the novel?? aphrodita

    Well actually the original novel aren't translated in English. I have read in wattpad the fans already translated Spanish to English.

    dayanna leong February 6, 2021 10:19 am
    ohhh were can i read the novel?? aphrodita

    Well actually the original novel aren't translated in English. I have read in wattpad the fans already translated Spanish to English