
Pendeja February 5, 2021 11:25 pm

this rises my anger issuies I love it but hate it at the same time if she don't kill that bastard I will do so myself, also kill that bitch of a wife, take over his dynasty

    cargan February 7, 2021 1:23 am

    what is wrong with you? they didn't do something so wrong that they deserved to be killed. the wife of her ex was just honest and actually, her way of revenge by not divorcing the emperor is actually kinda cruel, that's how you make someone miserable slowly, by not giving them what they want. plus both females doesn't hold grudges on each other, just for the man.

    Pendeja February 7, 2021 3:41 am

    lol you don't have to be so mad ab it I was just stating my opinion clearly we have different opinions but I am not judging you or anyone else I was just stating how I felt