i wasnt mad? i was just being emphatic about these being two diff stories. truthfully i cannot say for sure whether these will be separate entries or whether bomtoon will sort them together but with clear markers showing when each ends and begins. my point was there will be no overlap between this story and the other. and the other one has no listed date or information on it beyond a vague description of it being dark and cruel. im just frustrated the people are STILL talking about a BL couple that wont appear (if they appear at all) anytime soon instead of the actual comic this comment section is for and is currently running atm. (plenty of creators have said "i want to make sides for my story" and then never got to do so or had to cut it short because of other obligations or simply they changed their mind. im not saying this IS the case but i dont put any stock into an author saying I'd like to do XYZ with not even a hint at when that will occur. also this writer Yeonhee has never done BL work before but she's alrdy working on another GL webtoon with a different artist. so like BL isnt even her main Thing. so again not saying it wont happen but that there's no way to know IF it will let alone when it will and im tired of hearing about it and minho in general. like can move the fuck on? or save it for the main SB comic comment section?). anyway those complaints arent directed at u they're just how i feel in general. hopefully the whiners will get bored with nothing to offend them in this comic and the people who actually care about THIS story and gyerin will be the ones left.

yeah its ok. its just like...there's alrdy tons of BL on this site and the SB section is alrdy ruined p much so like...let this sweet GL story be free from Drama and whining. at the very least let it be drama and whining related to the actual content of the comic lol. (also i need more of us to talk about how fuckin hot the blonde woman is like goddaaaamn. step on me Queen)

i want to buy the raws soooo much. ugh it sucks tha ttappytoon is so behind on the main comic, cause like it'll be forever before the GL side story gets picked up by them. unless a fangroup picks it up. which tbh i have mixed feelings about. but if it happens i will prob read them lol. but yeah these ladies are so beautiful and the UST jumps off the page tbh. i have coins on bomtoon but im kinda saving them up since i have other raws im buying on a semi regular basis. and the better coin deals arent available to those that use paypal. i have a credit card but its overseas function is...i have to call the bank about it. anyway my life is like SO hard u know? lol

true, itd be a while before we see this on tappy. lol fr tho, im going to read it too if a scan grp starts working on it lolol bc i wont be able to wait that long
sometimes its rlly a hassle buying raws bc theres so much to deal with when it comes to ur card. i had a few encounters of those and it also sucks contacting ur bank abt it, such a long, annoying process
lmao what happened to the comment section? this will have 2 side stories, first the gl and the bl thats why u see both yuri & yaoi tag
the gl is the first side story thats why its the cover. now its up to the translator/uploader if they intend to separate the two or they will just combine it. and if they do want to separate it then they can just fix the genre error later, report it to mangago, easy as that. some of yall getting pressed abt this matter so easily