im confused though, what's his mother, uncle and grandpa's connection to mitsuki other tha...

qtiepatz February 5, 2021 8:34 am

im confused though, what's his mother, uncle and grandpa's connection to mitsuki other than hin being a jelly? or is mitsuki giving them all love? is that it?

    New nickname alert February 8, 2021 8:12 am

    I think mitsuki really plays the role of Cupid, he wasn’t gonna date him until he asked for it to be mitsuki that falls in love with him. I think it’s like mitsuki said since you took care of me/ saved me I’ll grant you with true love.

    aless February 9, 2021 6:36 pm

    i feel like mitsuki was more like the red thread, he connected many of them to their lovers, he was like the one push they needed to be loved and love back. the only change in this is that the dude fell for mitsuki and changed the narrative for both, as mitsuki became the lover rather than helping find one he became the lover.

    qtiepatz February 15, 2021 7:02 am
    I think mitsuki really plays the role of Cupid, he wasn’t gonna date him until he asked for it to be mitsuki that falls in love with him. I think it’s like mitsuki said since you took care of me/ saved me I... New nickname alert

    ohhh thaaaankss