Lmao I love how you described that and well it’s on point x’D
To some extent I think this is due to the people in the the industry of animes/ mangas (especially shonen): most of them single males hikikomori that never approached a girl and don’t have kids either. You might think I’m shaming them or smth but that’s not my own observation: executives in the anime industry are complaining because more and more the new recruits all have the same social profile. And because of that, they don’t bring anything new in the creative field and shonens are becoming similar to one another. The echi and fan service that appeal to the male otaku audience is now omnipresent (actually these stuffs are not really for kids but the people in the industry kinda forgot how kids behave ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ remember, they are not in contact with kids themselves)
One more anecdote just for the fun lol:
Guess what, more and more women apply for jobs in the shonen jump magazine or in the shonen-anime industry ( even in studio Ghibli! But that’s another subject) but the very traditional japanese society don’t see that in a positive light. And the executives don’t really want to give women applicants their jobs. They think that their presence is gonna change the essence of shonen animes/mangas. And that women can’t work for a male-centered media. Which is quite ironic considering that nowadays mainstream shonens have a half female/ half male readership! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ how amusing.....
Sorry for the rant hehe

What shit were they trying to pull with letting inexperienced people write stories where lack especially lack at. They're trying to create something that isn't even present in their selves at that point.
Also newer generations will find those "true shounen" shit boring if it's the same thing. And that was a fun anecdote
It was interesting

IKR, like I never saw a child do things like that. My place is filled with children. When I was still a child, there were a lot my age and now 10 yrs after. There's still children running around outside. AND I saw no child jump onto women's breast. They don't even understand porn at the age of 10
I haven't watched magi because of that. Was the genre ecchi, harem, shounen? + Shouta?
Cuz if I'm wrong then that's just shows how I avoid it.

No not even this is the manga http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/magi/?s30A it's a shounen, no harem or ecchi but it's ridiculous fr kids at that age have no understanding of sexuality so i don't get why the author depicted him like that
Like, personally I started disliking shoutas or just stories where the age progression of main characters are so fucking slow and it's harem.
Will be speaking generally, there's these stories where the mcs are legit children and getting a bunch of ladies. Can't they at least turn somewhat older than single digit age. Especially their love interest, they already develop deep love cuz mc saved their ass once. It's normal to be thankful but why are they doing those pressing arm hug and non-existent boobies. They already know how to do that??? There's also female children getting a bunch of toddlers. Like why the fuck are they romanticising fricking children. CAN'T THEY GROW UP?? Start it at 14 or something then build it up from there. I understand that they want to have development during idk, childbirth. But why add romanticising, it's disgusting to see multiple underage love interests. They're making children more mature than their age that they don't even feel like human anymore.
Oh there was that one thing, idk fucking 12 years old that doesn't make a single mistake, good at fighting, enough to destroy a perfectly healthy general that has 10+ yrs of experience, perfect in scheming despite having loving parents, only thing that happened to him was that he was an illegitimate born, extremely cold cuz it's a thing. And again, 12 years old.
Wow so much hardships must've happened to him idk 6-7 that he became so cold. Instead of developing trauma because of his lack of experience and knowledge to the outside, he became so perfect like a monster. Oh wait HE IS A MONSTER. Then there comes child mc at the age of 9, making toddler #1 OBSESSED.
Well, I just wanted to say this since it's been bothering me. It's a rant guys, don't worry ik it's a rant.