My Jean better survive this ╥﹏╥ Also Connie and Annie and everyone but importantly ...

I DONT KN0W February 4, 2021 3:28 pm

My Jean better survive this ╥﹏╥
Also Connie and Annie and everyone but importantly JEAN

    Rain ᴶᵃʳᶜᵒ February 4, 2021 3:31 pm

    You mean OUR JEAN?

    cryugh February 4, 2021 7:08 pm

    Yeah OUR Jean

    KurooTsukkiStan February 4, 2021 9:39 pm
    Yeah OUR Jean cryugh

    I read online that isayama considered Jean his favorite character. Later, he replaced him with Reiner

    linaatea February 5, 2021 12:36 am

    IT'LL MAKE SENSE IF HE WILL!!! my theory is that mikasa will kill eren to stop the rambling from wiping out the population of the world and that mikasa and jean will soon have a child together. however they end up adopting another child just like how grisha and carla jaeger adopted mikasa after her parents died. but!!!!!!!!!! that child is erens and historias obtaining not only royal blood but also is most likely to posses powers similar to the ackermans as eren was the host of the warhammer, attack and founding titan, ontop of that the child has royal blood! maybe because eren can see into the future, him and historia agreed that they'll have a child to finish off what eren started..? i dont know though its just my theory :) but i mean if isayama left us on that cliffhanger that would be so cruel i would cry everyday

    bunnyxx February 5, 2021 4:06 am
    IT'LL MAKE SENSE IF HE WILL!!! my theory is that mikasa will kill eren to stop the rambling from wiping out the population of the world and that mikasa and jean will soon have a child together. however they end... linaatea

    Jean x mikasa?! I feel like it’s always been one sided and Jean was just a had childhood crush on her. Armin likes Annie he admitted it, so it’s canon. Why wouldn’t historia care for her baby? Do u think she dies in childbirth??? But I respect your opinion ofc :)

    KurooTsukkiStan February 5, 2021 4:25 am

    I’m also rooting for Jean x mikasa. I’m a sucker for the underdog. When I see eren before and after, I see what eremika shippers see. I think he was so blind to love because of his need to get revenge for his mom and his stubborn personality. But now that he’s more calmer, I think he realizes he loves mikasa but he knows he can’t have a life with her because of what he has to do. He wants her to live a free life without sins and without following him to death. I understand that mikasa loves eren but sometimes just because you love someone doesn’t mean you should be in a relationship.sone relationships are healthy and some are not. I believe in couples complementing each other to make a relationship work. Jean is rational to point out mikasa’s stubborn traits. If the two of them end up surviving this, I hope they can be together. This is my opinion.

    linaatea February 6, 2021 3:34 am
    Jean x mikasa?! I feel like it’s always been one sided and Jean was just a had childhood crush on her. Armin likes Annie he admitted it, so it’s canon. Why wouldn’t historia care for her baby? Do u think ... bunnyxx

    yeah jean and mikasa because i mean mikasa if she doesnt die wont have a choice because eren will die and armin is technically already dead. if mikasa and jean is one of the only survivors of the rambling it'll make sense if they have a baby together. and yes i think historia will die in labor simply because i know isayama will do us like that but give us a plot to it and i believe the child will be adopted by mikasa and jean basically like a time loop but i dont know i dont think my theory is right

    linaatea February 6, 2021 3:38 am
    I’m also rooting for Jean x mikasa. I’m a sucker for the underdog. When I see eren before and after, I see what eremika shippers see. I think he was so blind to love because of his need to get revenge for h... KurooTsukkiStan

    i agree 10000000010100101001010101% with ur opinion because eren literally hinted sOO MANY TIMES about his feelings towards mikasa!! although most of the time it doesn't show its most likely because he was already being controlled by ymir fritz like for instance when he went to mikasas old house and saw those guys wanting to rape her, he full on went and stabbed those guys and was persuading mikasa to do something just like how king fritz told ymir to get up and work because shes a slave. i really wished if attack on titan ended with a different ending, that they would have been together it genuinely makes me so upset how their lives were set