STEP ON ME MELISSA February 4, 2021 11:34 am

WHY SO PETTY??? Look at this fool
I bRoKe A tOoTh bEcaUse of my siStEr wHeN we wEre kiDs, so nOw I hAve to tAkE rEveNge on eVerYone reLatEd to hEr, thRee dEcaDes laTer
Disgusting, pathetic
And why was his wife just going along with this??? You’re part of the problem
Ugggggh ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I swear, something must’ve been wrong
Instead of his tooth, wasn’t it his head?

    God Of Unknown February 4, 2021 1:45 pm

    I mean what can you expect with a trash person when they apparently force their sisters to obey him....
    He's a trash human being and his wife is most likely the same type being that she didn't help mc.

    Comadrin February 4, 2021 9:33 pm

    Come on now. I'm sure all of us have known people, both children and adults, who would nurse their stupid grudges no matter what. As the saying goes, "Haters are gonna hate!"