I feel so bad for taekyung, he was just used and tossed, why does the main have to endo up...

Kokonut February 4, 2021 9:33 am

I feel so bad for taekyung, he was just used and tossed, why does the main have to endo up with joowon, I personally think that kyung was a better choice

    Min_Emi February 4, 2021 2:39 pm

    I think the same as you

    boris February 4, 2021 2:57 pm

    aye, a lot of people feel bad for taku but try looking at it from a different pov.

    taku and haesoo met when haesoo was in a state of great emotional conflict. taku was 'wasted' on him and desperately pursued him DESPITE haesoo telling him that he didn't want to be in a relationship with him. in the end, the reason why haesoo agreed to be with taku for a month was bc taku reminded him too much of how he (haesoo) felt about joowon when he was younger - a lovesick idiot. he felt....pity for him.

    joowon went through so much character development, man. even in the start he was an asshole bc he didn't want to lose haesoo. halfway through the story, you can clearly see how much he was trying to change and become a better person. he put his job at risk, his relatioship with his dad - all of it.

    notyouraveragegirl February 4, 2021 3:16 pm

    He begged for it. He manipulated to get it. He deserves no sympathy. He just needs to learn from it and grow because he is very immature and manipulative.

    wonuyaaa February 4, 2021 4:07 pm

    taku begged for this AND pressured haesoo into a relationship. Your better choice in question lacks development and is emotionally manipulative and selfish. things joowon changed for the better: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/ ...like :/

    gardenfairy February 4, 2021 4:24 pm

    Why do you all insist on victimizing Taku when he isnt??? You do realize Taku used Haesoo a lot? He lied to Haesoo, tried to guilt trip him into a relationship, wouldnt take haesoo’s rejecting him like twice as an answer. He was also emotionally manipulative and took advantage of haesoo’s sadness cause he could feel needed himself. Like wtf. Joowon waited 13 years for haesoo, tried to protect their r/s by keeping it ambiguous, told haesoo he’ll be anything haesoo wants him as (a hyung/friend) even after haesoo left him, sacrificed his career and his good terms with his dad for haesoo ://// name me one thing taku did solely for haesoo that WASNT for himself? their whole r/s haesoo’s heart was elsewhere and taku knew it and persisted anyway... so its clear taku isnt trying to be with haesoo to help him in any way :/