Looking for a shoujo manga

Animegirl96 February 4, 2021 7:14 am

So I’m looking for a manga where the girl was a part of a rich family and technically was a duchess but family financial troubles kicked in a the family became poor so she basically grew up very “tomboyish like” and her dad (I think?) sent her the. Castle and she was a maid there

Then Prince Charming plops in who has a weird power that deters all woman away from him but it doesn’t affect the girl. Boy realizes and asks girl to play pretend partners

Additional notes: so world is split between magic users country and plebs lol jk but normal people. Annnnndddd the big thing this story hasn’t been updated in a whillle and would love to find out why and in what way help can be provided. I just want a happy endinnnnggggg
