Most of the time, raws are referring to japanese, because the author of the manga is Japanese. However, if the origin of the manga (in this case it is called Manhua) is drawn/author is a Chinese, then the raws are in chinese. Well, Chinese translation tends to come much faster than english translation. So in conclusion, manga that is origin from Japan is japanese raw and not chinese raw.

If you are goin to buy the manga learn japanese because the manga is in japanese and if you are goin to search raw manga online learn chinese because is incredible more easy to fount? Manga in chinese
I am learnin japanese because i believe i could read raw manga that way Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) but almost all the manga is in chinese that i don't understen(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

many raw I found is Chinese , but lately they upload Korean .
but some manga they got the original Japanese
if manhua then Korean
Korean I think u can see the different
but Japanese n Chinese is a bit hard to see the different if u not used to thy .
but if u want to translate them , they can told u wht leaguens is that
*im sorry if my English messy ^^
Hi guys. What language are raws usually in is it Japanese or Chinese? I ask because my lack of patience for chapters to be translated ( despite how much I appreciate the translators dedication and hard work. Those guys are rock stars ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ in my book) I have decided to learn the language. A greater world of yaoi will be open to me ヾ(☆▽☆). There are so much prequels and sequels and side stories that I wish to read and learning the language will enable me to do that. Yes it will also help me in my professional life as well but mainly the yaoi thing, that's my motivation lol(๑•ㅂ•)و✧