He's cHAnGed they said...

Eve February 4, 2021 2:17 am

He's CHaNGeD....yea suuure. This is what happens when you gloss over development. Author keeps one of two tactics which is either gloss over the development with some words and narration aka quoted from Kyungsoo, "He's changing little by little". Maybe she should idk...SHOW don't TELL. OR she glosses it over by just having the characters fuck each other. It'll fuck all the shitty actions out of him AND give some readers' some lack of post-nut clarity at least temporarily. Oh wait I forgot one more technique, which is the "use your lover to fix you" trope. Sure surrounding yourself with good people who can support you is great but not if you're making them bend to your every need and treating them like a punching bag. Apparently according to lots of readers, he's ChANgEd they said, he's gotten chArACtER DeVeLoPmEnT.....they said.

    ホータン February 4, 2021 2:31 am

    i came here from the homepage to like. i've done just that, now i shall leave. farewell