Just need to rant a little bit: But okay, it NEVER sat right with me how Taku stans bashed...

wonuyaaa February 3, 2021 11:19 pm

Just need to rant a little bit: But okay, it NEVER sat right with me how Taku stans bashed and villainized Joowon for like 2 years while he's showed continuous growth and repented for all his mistakes (mistakes he made cause he literally wanted to protect hs and keep them together lol). Everything he's been doing since like 50ish chapters ago, he's been doing to protect Haesoo and he's just been continuously losing things FOR HAESOO (his job? his dad?) without asking for anything in return or pressuring Haesoo in any way.

Meanwhile, Taku has shown little to no growth, and still admits he's a shitty person even in chapter NINETY-NINE!! But his stans that were soooo loud in bashing Joowon just refuse to acknowledge all his manipulative and toxic actions and make excuses for his behavior left and right, cause huhuhu "poor" taku. Joowon would NEVER get this kind of treatment. (Examples of his crappy actions if you dont believe me lol: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/).

    Tortugas February 3, 2021 11:23 pm

    Joowon is the quintessential yaoi whipping boy- he bears the brunt of all the fujo ire for every wrongdoing of every “seme” that’s ever occurred. I just can’t make any other sense of it!

    If he pulled that stunt of the photog, lashing out with ill wishes for Haesoo during the breakup, he’d have been torn to pieces by this pack of vicious curs. The freaking double standard! Makes me love him even more!!

    Ive long considered him to be that character that’s only savored and appreciated by the most discerning reader with the finest palate. Joowon stans united, can never be defeated.

    wonuyaaa February 3, 2021 11:45 pm
    Joowon is the quintessential yaoi whipping boy- he bears the brunt of all the fujo ire for every wrongdoing of every “seme” that’s ever occurred. I just can’t make any other sense of it! If he pulled th... Tortugas

    You're right about all that.

    Anyway, I know Joowon stans are the only bitches with proper reading comprehension lol. Just because Joowon shows some qualities of typical "asshole seme": aka being more aggressive and possessive, doesn't mean his whole character can be watered down to that lmaoo. Like first of all: his possessiveness is literally explained WORD FOR WORD in the story, as being due to haesoo's manipulative nature. Either way, he literally grows sooo much and sheds all his immaturity and arrogance over the course of the story and lets haesoo leave him as many times as he wants to like ? this man would li tterally take a bullet for haesoo and ppl want to make up baseless narratives as if he only does whats convenient for himself, when throughout the WHOLE STORY he keeps doing what is inconvenient for himself just for haesoo's sake?? ? like what is so convenient for him when he loses his whole drama and so many contracts and gets yelled at by the company and tied up for 10 years when he wanted to quit? lolol

    Meanwhile, Taku is a GREAT character for surface level readers who can't see him past his "cute character design" and acting all quiet and softspoken and thoughtful: when this boy is so emotionally manipulative and calculative as hell (like that scene where joowon gets his hand injured is literally cause of taku was trying to make joowon snap and lose his composure??? ugh please). He only ever does what's convenient for himself. even loving haesoo was for HIMSELF, since he knew so clearly how haesoo loved someone else, and instead said he liked seeing haesoo sad cause he gets to feel good being needed LMAO

    jungzi February 4, 2021 4:26 am

    I understand the need to rant.
    I honestly, never really understood why Joowon was branded as toxic and deserving of the extreme bashing he got. I understand he made mistakes in his relationship with Haesoo. But this was a relationship they had both agreed upon. It was an unhealthy relationship without a doubt. But this was because they did not voice out what they really felt and ended up hurting each other, thinking the other didn't love them as much when the reality was they loved each other so much. They both made mistakes, but why was Joowon the only one being bashed?

    Also, Taku being considered a saint was something I couldn't understand. I thought I was strange for not seeing the saint he was but I just couldn't like him after his stunt using his tape to get to Haesoo. It left a bad taste in my mouth. His character didn't even get better as I continued to read. Yet somehow he was seen as a great guy but Joowon who actually cared about Haesoo was continuously bashed.

    At 100 chapters, if toxicity levels were being measured, I'd say out of the 3, Joowon was always the least problematic. Yet if someone had read the comments before, they would think Joowon was some kind of terrible villain that victimized poor Haesoo and the sweet loving pure Taku came to save poor Haesoo from Joowon's evil clutches. I want to gag just writing that.

    Anyway, I'm happy JooHae conquered but the scars left on Joowon fans run deep. Thankfully, the latest chapters are a form of healing which we really needed.

    Anonymous February 4, 2021 5:26 am

    Please say it louder because you’re full of facts!

    BeeTee February 4, 2021 5:58 am

    so true so true! i will never ever understand why joowon was labelled the villain in the story, when in their relationship: haesoo hurt him just as much. but it was clear it was their situation that was messed up, and they werent hurting each other for the sake of hurting each other. ALSO: if you sum up all of their actions by this point in the story: Joowon is literally the least problematic. He never did things with shit intentions the way Taku did, nor did he use or toy with Haesoo like people claim. That was actually Taku. Joowon's only reason for wanting them to stay without labels is not to "toy with" or "use" haesoo but because he wanted to protect their r/s from their parents and thought haesoo would abandon him otherwise (again, because of their parents, specifically his mom).

    boris February 4, 2021 6:47 am

    louder for the people in the back!