Just here to drop my daily Joowon appreciation comment!~ He's come so far and I love that ...

BeeTee February 6, 2021 1:41 am

Just here to drop my daily Joowon appreciation comment!~ He's come so far and I love that for him ♡ ♡ ♡

When Haesoo walked out on JW to go with Taku: Joowon respected his wishes and fully left him alone. Instead he always tried to protect HS from the shadows despite getting nothing in return. He confronted Taku when he found out he was using Haesoo like his past models. JW also told Haesoo he'll always be there for him in any way Haesoo wants him as: even a hyung or friend, even though Haesoo broke his heart and said he liked someone else. Plus how Haesoo was just as much at fault for their relationship but Joowon didn't hold anything against him!! -nothing vindictive or bitter, because his love for Haesoo doesn't have any condition. He lost his acting gig to protect Haesoo. And now he stood up to his father just to be with Haesoo. He also respected Haesoo's decisions YET AGAIN to leave him, to go abroad for 3 whole years T_T he waited so patiently. He's just SO IN LOVE it hurts a little.

Joowon's development over the course of this manhwa was especially beautiful: like how he fully admits all his faults and how he said he was wrong for never telling HS he loves him because of their parents and cause he was scared to lose HS. His character development is well written, n his whole character is just realistic and raw and something to appreciate! Like how he's human and makes mistakes despite his good intentions, but he showed clear growth!!! I just love him :)))
