Chapter 9 is such a disappointment & frustrating :( it just showed Shingo story of tru...

LovelyHunExoL December 16, 2015 12:49 pm

Chapter 9 is such a disappointment & frustrating :( it just showed Shingo story of trust issue and Kagami saw Shingo doing his things but decided to leave him alone as they already broke up. But Kagami is right about that , it's Shingo who broke him up after all. The only good thing is Kagami comes back yayyy he obviously missed Shingo ! But we don't see the preview of Kagami playing with Shingo cat from twitter in Ch9. May be in Ch10 ~ I hope ! Shingo cat version is xoxo cute !

    yelloheh December 16, 2015 2:19 pm

    I agree. This don't look very good. What does Keishi has told to Shingo, he looks so hurt ! Big jerk ! Big jerk ! Big jerk

    viki December 16, 2015 10:38 pm
    I agree. This don't look very good. What does Keishi has told to Shingo, he looks so hurt ! Big jerk ! Big jerk ! Big jerk yelloheh

    he believes that shingo is having a relationship with the photografer that's why he is hurt and says mean things to shingo

    yelloheh December 16, 2015 10:51 pm
    he believes that shingo is having a relationship with the photografer that's why he is hurt and says mean things to shingo @viki

    and Shingo might believe Keichi slept with Angelo... Damn those two are really in such a complicated love !