What's your prediction on how the story will end though?
Not asking how you wish or want it to end, I'm asking on a total realistic bet on if the story will end with them together or not. If you could earn money with the bet, regardless of your feelings or wishes, between them not being together and being endgame, where would you put your money at?

my prediction is after seungho listening to mr Kim and realizing he in fact doesn't like nakyum that way and realizing every fucked up thing he has done to nakyum he starts to feel very guilty and just releases nakyum and tells him to go and tells him to never talk to him again. but at this point nakyum has developed Stockholm syndrome and thinks he loves seungho so he wants to be by his side and stay with him. and then as time passes they make up and forgive each other(which everything seungho has done will never be forgivable) and live with each other "happily" ever after. yeah that's my prediction basically lmao.

How many of these non con Yaoi stories have you read to the end? It's POTN the first one you follow? Is it because of the art? The whole plot is around Seungho and Nakyum relationship so there isn't much else in the story.
It seems the popularity (or hype) because of POTN art brought a lot of people who will be very frustrated with the endgame that for sure it's where this story is going. The author is very aggressive in promoting the couple as happy in their merch.
Nakyum ending up with Seungho would be worse than Nakyum ending up with Inhun or Jihwa for me