Miss ma’am

Sac of ramen noodles February 3, 2021 5:20 am

Not a whole grown woman fighting a teenager talking about some “you stole my man” miss ma’am your man is a minor goodbye enter your cell to the chamber u go. Also the way Kono is such a bad bitch like she knows what she wants like the way the MC went into the room where everybody goes to get laid and she was there and then like when she saw the MC wasn’t erect she just ate her medicine like to me that was such a bad bitch move PERIODT but Ik it was bad that she did that because she was trying to basically like force him to have sex with her or whateva

    KatTheKat February 3, 2021 5:36 am

    Yesssss! I was rooting for her! I was hoping she wouldn't feel sad her man didn't want her- but she just moved on! And maybe she thought he was waiting on her... Or that they BOTH wanted it but he was being polite about it so she went and did that.. cause he really wasnt drawing no lines.. and she backed off as soon as she knew he wasn't in it

    Anyways, nurse need to take notes cause chasing after these little boys aint it! the embarrassment.. She really tried to threaten the uke... WHEN SHES IN THE WRONG-

    Sac of ramen noodles February 3, 2021 5:43 am
    Yesssss! I was rooting for her! I was hoping she wouldn't feel sad her man didn't want her- but she just moved on! And maybe she thought he was waiting on her... Or that they BOTH wanted it but he was being pol... KatTheKat

    ROGHT she said oh ight u ain’t feelin it lemme move on and did. I didn’t want her to feel sad too cause then I would’ve been sad. I’m tryna be on her mentality Fr Fr. Gurl when the nurse was sayin that I was embarrassed like ma’am- this is not it

    Sea Jam February 3, 2021 5:43 am
    Yesssss! I was rooting for her! I was hoping she wouldn't feel sad her man didn't want her- but she just moved on! And maybe she thought he was waiting on her... Or that they BOTH wanted it but he was being pol... KatTheKat
