I don't know. I bought my phone in Italy, where WiFi is free everywhere, and my plan covers all of Europe, so I just connect to whatever WiFi is available wherever I'm staying. Roaming charges from North America means that my old personal cellphone/account is only worthwhile for use as an alarm clock and for record-keeping (calendar files, phone numbers, etc.) I never connected it after I crossed the Atlantic. It may be cheaper for you to do something similar, although WiFi in Germany is definitely not free.

Depending on how long you're staying, you would be better off bringing your tablet, if you have one, and an inexpensive adapter socket and buying a cheap cellphone for quick texting, google-mapping, etc., while you're there.
Oh! A word of warning: the GPS can be really confusing in some of these cities, especially since the directional indicators don't always appear. If you're exploring, be sure to have a good overview at a map of the places where you intend to wander first and make note of key landmarks and general layout. Otherwise, you could find yourself walking off in a completely different direction of where you need to go.
Hi,I have a question,I'm going to Saxony-Anhalt(Germany)
next week to see my uncle,and I want to know if this site works up there too.
Because I heard that in some countries it doesn't work.
I don't know that's why I'm asking.