Yahwi fuck u... You look like a man but you’re a fukin pussy holy shit the amount of times I just want to throw my phone due to the frustration is A LOT. What does jooin want from you? TO FUKIN TAKE HIS SIDE U DUMB PIECE OF SHIT. TO TREASURE HIM, TO TELL HIM THAT YOU LIKE HIM. And you dare to sit and complain that jooin always leave in the middle of the conversation? WHY DO YOU THINK IS THAT U DIPSHIT? IT’S BECAUSE UR NOT SAYING ANYTHING... god I’m sorry for coming for him like this and I know this is just a manhwa BUT I NEED TO VENT MY ANGER OUT
Yahwi fuck u... You look like a man but you’re a fukin pussy holy shit the amount of times I just want to throw my phone due to the frustration is A LOT. What does jooin want from you? TO FUKIN TAKE HIS SIDE U DUMB PIECE OF SHIT. TO TREASURE HIM, TO TELL HIM THAT YOU LIKE HIM. And you dare to sit and complain that jooin always leave in the middle of the conversation? WHY DO YOU THINK IS THAT U DIPSHIT? IT’S BECAUSE UR NOT SAYING ANYTHING... god I’m sorry for coming for him like this and I know this is just a manhwa BUT I NEED TO VENT MY ANGER OUT