Kailanne February 2, 2021 5:44 pm

Yaaaaalllll I've actually been on Im Naris situation before the pandemic happen and online school started ಠ,_」ಠ and let me tell you this... IT'S SO IRRITATING! IT'S SO ANNOYING! IT'S SO UNPLEASANT! I'M SO PISSED!!! EVERYTHING IS SO PHUQING PHOQ!!!

So here's my little story that is quite similar to I'm Nari's situation (人*´∀`)。*゚+

So first off, I don't care about everyone in my classroom except for my friends. I don't also stir up trouble with anybody, though for some reason there is always ALWAYS people who has issues with me and my friends. THEY'RE the one who stirs up trouble.

I'm a well organized person, if you know me you will know that about me. My stuff started losing just last school year before the pandemic happen. It started with pens, pencils, erasers just small things. I didn't think much of it, thought I could just buy new ones. THEN it got suspicious when my NOTEBOOKS ARE MISSING! I write a lot of reviewers on every subjects on my notebook and it's very helpful for me and my friends, we get a lot of high scores because of it. Like, Bruh if you needed notes I could've just shared my notes with you, you didn't have to steal my whole damn precious notebook where I put all my PHUCKING HARDWORK on ಥ‿ಥ

That's when I realized that there's really SOMEBODY messing with me and my stuff. After my notebook had been stolen, there was no more stuff missing. That's what I thought AND BOI WAS I WRONG! Next thing that has stolen was my essay project, it was like 2 pages, with a folder on it. It was morning, class hasn't started yet, I wanted a drink from the cafeteria, went their with my friends. I went back AND I SAW MY BAG WAS OPPEEENNNNNN. at this point I'm so furious, I immediately check my stuff and VIOLA!!! MY PROJECT IS GONE. there was already a lot of students already in my classroom and I really went like " WHO THE MOTHAPHOCKER STOLE MY PROJECT?!?! I CAME BACK AND MY BAG IS WIDE OPEN WHEN I MADE SURE IT'S CLOSE BEFORE GOING OUT! WHO?!?!" my classmates was like ʘ‿ʘ "what?"

everyone was quiet and I said " OH SO Y'ALL WANNA PLAY IT LIKE THAT? WHO SAW SOMEONE CAME CLOSE TO MY BAG THEN?!?! " Then the class started saying it's that boy and that girl and that boy and that girl blah blah. So basically I have 4 suspect. Of course they'll get mad for being the suspect. I told them to present me their bag and take out everything in it infront of me. In the end my project is not found. The teacher knew about this and gave me another day to pass my essay. Maybe you're thinking why didn't I tell my teacher, well guess what? I did. And what happened? Absolutely Nothing ಡ ʖ ಡ So yeah, after that the next thing that has stolen is my script for my role play, to which I MADE. Good thing the lines is IMBEDDED IN BRAIN, then some pencils.

Then the last straw was my WHOLE ASS PORTFOLIO THAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING MY ASS OFF FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR!!! MY SCIENCE PORTFOLIO!!! THAT BASICALLY HAVE MORE THAN 50 OR 60 PAGES ON IT!!! THAT HAS THE TOPICS SINCE FIRST SEMESTER!!! (Brief explanation: everyone has a portfolio that you need to work on for the whole school year and passed it on the teacher after the school year) BRUHHHHHH I went infront of my class and yelled "WHOEVER THE PHUQ YOU ARE, IF I EVER CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED I WILL PHUQING BEAT YOU UP"

And since that day I always have my bag with me, in the cafeteria, the library, the music room, the restroom. EVERYWHERE and I DON'T. CARE. WHAT. I LOOKED. LIKE

And I always think that it's IMPOSSIBLE that this is all caused by ONE PERSON. I'm pretty sure they are a group. Cause someone should've seen them atleast once. And with the many things that has stolen, I NEVER caught them. It's like there's a lookout. Looking if I'm going back to class. But ever since I carry my bag literally everywhere, of course there's no more stuff missing


    Lalalucy February 2, 2021 9:27 pm

    It’s definitely that old friend of hers. Those sky bitches be the worst. They’ll smile at you and stab you behind