We don't see much of interaction between them and the dad but once in a while they talk abt estrella and their mum is chill... they're definitely closer to their mum and probably knows not to bother since he's an emperor but I got a feeling they all have a strong personality like the mum and have a good relationship with the dad but not close like estrella... also estrella only has the dad and the silings are so loving and not jealous, a sign of loving upbringing no neglect or abandonment coz thy would've been jealous or horrible BUT IT COULD BE THAT they're just nice and mature kids

I agree in some aspects but aren’t the others like older teenagers closer to adulthood rather than being kids? Though I don’t know their ages they definitely would be treated differently is they were as old as I am assuming though I do hope we see them as a family more and estrella getting closer to her other brother
am I the only one who is frustrated at the father? he treats the new child better than his other children, I understand that she was neglected and such. but even before she was discovered the father didn't treat his other children with affection..... am I the only one who can't stand this sort of favouritism ?
maybe its just me lmao... the story is good and all but its just this one point which kind of annoyed me.