There are sometimes those introverts who are scared to speak up and it just overwhelms them to the point of tearing up. Sometimes they can't hold their emotions or fearing of what could go wrong too. When they're overwhelmed, it can be like that or when they feel so embarrassed. But yeah, there are those who are severally introverted for sure. Not only just the quiet ones or those who distance theirselves either.
And let's not forget the difference between being a shy introvert and a confident introvert. And not even identical twins have the exact same personality, how could you expect introversion to be the same across the world, or just your own community really. What I'm trying to say is, every human has their own perspective of their own reality. That's why even twins who are in the same environment are different,cause their view of themselves and reality is different. Two people can have a similar personality or a set of traits, but never the exact same.
Naw she cries too much, I’m introvert but shit I ain’t like that.