That's a good point but I think it's also a tradition thing, mind you idk a thing about sumo so I'm just goin offa what's in the story so far, but some cultures take tradition super seriously and as weve seen, this is all super special for the ml so he takes every little detail seriously. I'm sure there's multiple reasons he pulled her but I'm sure traditional rules and her safety were the main issues.
As far as sexist thing, I guess some traditions, especially some old ones can come off as sexist, but it hasn't been until not long ago that women have been able to do a majority of what they do now. Like I said idk much about sumo but I don't think I've ever seen female sumos (never looked into it, I might be wrong) but that women aren't allowed in the ring thing might be the reason, maybe one day that'll change, if it hasn't already, but from this story's standpoint, that's probly the case.
I dont think it was a sexist move or complicated reason the dude pulled her away from the ring. Im pretty sure he did that bc he was scared the guys wrestling in the ring was gonna accidentally hurt her if they fell behind